All Or Nothing

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"Alright, guys. It's finally here. Regionals. I just found out, because of safety concerns related to late-season tornados, Indianapolis has declined to host the competition. So! As defending champions, we're having regionals here, in our auditorium." Mr. Schue announced as everyone cheered.

"Did you hear that? Home court advantage, yo!" Artie said as everyone clapped and cheered again.

"Now, because of a sexting scandal at Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness, their glee club, the Nun-touchables, has been excommunicated by the new pope." Mr. Schue continued, as Haley frowned.
"They've been replaced by the world-famous boys of Zieglar Prep, th eWaffle-toots. The Hoosierdaddies are still the odds-on favorite. I mean, their lead vocalist, Frida Romero, is a tiny juggernaut of talent. We are in for the fight of our lives. So... Let's get real."

Everyone was silent, as Mr. Schue pulled out a chair to sit down in front of the group.

"There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment.  We've struggled, we've endured, and now we must triumph. And speaking of that, I want us all to just take a moment to send some positive energy to one of our very own. She has her final callback for Funny Girl today. So, let's all give a big round of applause to Rachel, wherever she is."

Everyone clapped, even Haley, who was somewhat proud of what Rachel was accomplishing, despite her insufferable and occasional egotistical behavior.
"Hum, are Joe and Sugar here?" Mr. Schue asked, counting the students.

"Present, Mr. Schue." Sugar cheered, running into the room.

"Great. Okay. Guys, I have finalized our set list. We are going with I Love It by Icono Pop, Hall of Fame  by Fame by The Script and And Marley's original song All Or Nothing, which Haley assisted her in writing. "

Haley and Marley exchanged smiles. Just before they could continue talking, Brittany walked in.

"Hey, Mr. Schue, what about my original song? Do you remember?" Brittany asked, singing her song from two years back.

"My Cup is one of a kind, but we're going with the girls' song." Mr. Schue said.

"Oh, come on, boo. Two thumbs down. The only way to polish that turd of my song is my angelic alto voice. I demand to sign all the good songs as solos. Everyone can snap their fingers and march around behind me."

"Hey, Britt?" Haley asked gently, concerned with this odd behavior.

"Tina, please make an exact replica of Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar dress." Brittany said, continuing her demands and ridiculous behavior.

"Hu, no." Tina said.

"Hum... Yes. Let me break it down. No one in this musty choir room compares to my megawatt star power. Blaine, you're shorter than your average lawn gnome. Haley, you're unlovable, Joe you look like a Yucatan spider monkey. Tina is... You know, she's... Tina." Brittany said.

"Britt.... I'm sorry, I love you, but you're really out of line." Haley said, even though she was offended.

"No, I'm not. You just don't get it. Moving on, I repeat: I require all the solos. That's just the way it's gonna be."

"Brittany, why are you doing this?" Mr. Schue asked, as Brittany turned around to look at him before leaving.

"Well, I'm just living your lesson, Mr. Schue. It's all or nothing."
"I don't know Santana...Britt's been out of whack ever since she returned from M.I.T." Haley said into her phone, as her and Sam stood at his locker.

"Been out of whack, how?" Santana asked on the other line.

"Well, she's blown me off more than three times. She wouldn't even let me talk to her, or check on her. She isn't saying her nonsensical comments or sentences." Haley rambled.

"She also quit Cheerios again, she's offending people, even me, and arguing with everyone. She quit Glee club. I've promised to protect her, but I feel like I'm not doing my job." Haley continued, as she heard Santana sigh.

"Are we sure this is not some other Brittany Week 3.0?"

"It's absolutely not that. Brittany needs you. You need to come down here now." Haley said.

"I'm on my way." Santana assured her, hanging up.

"Well that's sorted." Haley said, looking up at Sam who smiled.

"Are you doing okay, Hay?" He asked.

"Other than Britt unintentionally mentioning, I'm unlovable? Yeah..."Haley shrugged.

"Well, you aren't unlovable, you're quite the opposite." Sam assured her, bringing Haley into a hug.

"Yeah." Haley sighed. "I still can't believe that I get to marry you in about a year." She said, as Sam grinned.

"Me too, Hay, me too.." Sam responded, as Haley grinned back.
"Okay, guys, listen up." Mr. Schue said as the group sat in a circle. "First up, we're gonna tackle Icona Pop. It's got a unique beat but not entirely different from..."

"Alright, look. I'm-I'm sorry." Ryder said, after someone's cell phone buzzed. "Excuse me, Mr. Schue, but I've got to say something."

"Okay." Mr. Schue said, frowning.

"Look, so I hate to pull a Brittany here, but the bottom line is, I'm not performing in Regionals until Catfish reveals themselves." Ryder demanded. "This situation is out of hand and needs to end. Hey, look, I'm serious, okay? I can't take it anymore, it-it's tearing me apart. And someone in this room is playing games with me, and I want to know who!"

Haley flinched at Ryder's tone, knowing he was growing more and more infuriated and impatient. She sighed, grabbing on to Sam's hand for comfort.

"Somebody, just say who it is." Sugar whispered, also anxious about the whole situation.

"I don't think it's any of us." Tina said.

"Pull out your phones!" Ryder demanded, as he kicked a table, as Haley whimpered in fear. The yelling being all too familiar. "Everybody pull out your phones now!"

"Dude!" Sam said as he shook his head, pulling Haley into his arms, knowing she was triggered.

"Ryder, relax man." Blaine said, in hopes of calming him down. "I know this is upsetting, but..."

"Well, now nobody is going to admit it for fear of being murdered." Kitty added, quietly.

"I know you're upset but...."

"No, you don't know. You don't know, okay? Who is it?" Ryder asked, interjecting Blaine's attempts to calm him down.

"It;s not me." Artie said.

"Alright, fine. If nobody's gonna say anything, pull out your phones. I want to see all of your phones."

"You can't just assume we did it. Geez please calm down dude." Haley said.

"Are you serious?" Jake asked, over everyone's scared and feared expressions and protests.

"All of your phones. Pull out your texts. I'm serious!" Ryder yelled, kicking the table again. Haley shut her eyes, so she wouldn't have to see anything crazy go down. "Texts! Who is it?"

"It's me." Marley said getting up. "I'm Catfish."

"What? What do you...? No, I-I-I asked you. You swore to me"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Marley sighed, even though she knew she was covering.

"Look, just take it easy, Ryder. This was a little joke. Things got out of hand." Jake said, defending his girlfriend.

"What, you're-you're defending her? Huh? Are you kidding me? What's wrong with you people?" Ryder asked, leaving the room in a storm.

"Well, that was all too familiar..the yelling and the "what's wrong with you'" Haley muttered, as Sam pulled her into his arms. She let her tears fall. She was very traumatized, and triggered.
"As the New Directions gathered in the choir room before Regionals, Ryder walked into the room. Marley had told Haley that Unique was the catfish, and that she had covered for her.

"Marley was right. I'm really only upset with one person. It wouldn't be fair to punish the whole team." Ryder said.

"Thank you." Mr. Schue smiled.

"But, uh.... I have done a lot of thinking. And after Regionals is over, I'm officially leaving Glee Club."
As everyone sat watching the performances, Haley felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around to see Brittany smiling.

"Hi, Hay." Brittany said, pulling Haley into a hug.

"You came..." Haley smiled, returning the hug.

"Yeah...Thank you for everything Hay." Britt said.

Haley turned to look to see Santana who sent a smile and a nod in their direction.
"Alright, everybody. Show circle. Come on." Mr. Schue called as all the Glee kids and the alumni got together.

"New Directions..." Brittany said, as everyone turned to look at the girl. "Hum, before we go onstage, I have something I want to tell you guys. I got offered early admission to MIT."

Everyone looked shocked. "Oh my god, Britt." Haley said smiling.

"I never thought that I would... Graduate high school, let alone go to college, so... I have to jump on this offer before it gets taken away." She said, shrugging her shoulders as tears filled her eyes. "They want me to leave immediately. That's why I had that meltdown. Hum... My entire life, people have always told me that I was stupid. And... After a while I started to believe them. And it wasn't until I walked in this room and I joined this club that I really started believing in myself. And as soon as I did that, as soon as... I started believing that maybe I was smart after all, I think the whole word did too. And I'm really gonna miss you guys. Cause you guys are like my family."

When Brittany began to cry, Haley felt herself tearing up. She reached for Sam's hand, subconsciously. He knew that one of her best friends was leaving her, and this was difficult for her.

"Mr. Schue's like our dad. And Mercedes and Tina and Sugar and Mercedes, you guys are all like my sisters. And Mike Chang and Blaine and Sam and Jim, you guys are all like my brothers." Brittany continued, as everyone laughed through their tears.

"My name's Joe." Joe corrected her, as Brittany ignored him, turning to look at Artie.

"And, Artie, you're like the boy next door who... Builds robots in his basement and who I take his virginity. And Jake and Marley and Ryder and Kitty, you guys are all like the foster kids who come to live with us when the orphanage closes and that we don't trust at first but we grow to love just like we do our pets."

Brittany smiled, moving towards Haley, as Haley tried to smile through her tears. "And then there's Haley. The girl who is the kindest, and caring. The person who never thought I was stupid. She treated me like everyone else, despite my nonsensical comments and occasional conversation. She was there for me through all my schoolwork meltdowns and she was really supportive. I'm going to miss you Hay. Thank you for everything. I love you."

"Brittany...I'm so proud of you, I love you too.. and I'm going to miss you." Haley sobbed quietly, pulling her into a hug.

"And then there's Santana." Brittany said, going to hug Santana.

"Oh man, Britt, you don't need to say anything." Santana replied, tearing up.
"No cries!" Brittany chuckled, through her tears, as she saw Haley sobbing.

"Show circle." She said as everyone put their hands together. "A...mazing!"
"McKinley High is officially on its way to becoming a Regionals dynasty!" Blaine cheered as everyone clapped.

"Only 24 more of these babies before we catch up to Vocal Adrenaline." Sam added placing the trophy on the piano, and wrapping his arms around Haley, as she smiled.

"Oh, please. Vocal adrenaline's time has passed. The present and the future is all about the New Directions! And we are going to prove it when we go to sunny Los Angeles for Nationals and take home our second national championship in a row." Mr. Schue said.

Everyone smiled, clapping and cheering, before Miss Pillsbury walked into the choir room with a small smile.

"Miss Pillsbury, who's your friend?" Haley asked.

"Miss Pillsbury you're supposed to bring someone in to bless the team before the big game." Sam said.

"Hum, I figured out that I can't handle the pressure of a big wedding, so I told Will, if we're gonna get married, that I wanted an intimate ceremony in a special place surrounded by the people that we love."

"Are you guys seriously throwing a surprise wedding? Just like Brooke Burke and David Charvet?" Kurt asked excitedly.

"Yes. No music, no reception, no planning. Just me, the one true love of my life, and then we'll have a little dinner at Breadstix." Miss Pillsbury smiled.

As everyone went to create a makeshift wedding, Miss Pillsbury entered walking to meet Mr. Schue at the front. Both of them had priceless smiles on their faces, as the kids hummed the wedding song.

"You're still here." Mr. Schue smiled.

"I'm here." She giggled.

"Do you guys have vows prepared?" The priest asked.

"I knew I forgot something and... No." Mr. Schue answered, as she shook her head.

"No." Miss Pillsbury spoke up. "Well, hold on. You always get to make the romantic speeches, so, um, why don't you let me do it this time?"

"I'd love that." Mr. Schue said.

Haley smiled, as she looked up at Sam, who smiled back fondly at her. He noticed her watery eyes, and pulled Haley closer to him, placing his arms around her waist as she stood with her back against his chest. The two of them were already manifesting what their wedding would like the coming year.

"Yeah? Okay. There was this one day, hum, right around the time we first met. Out in the courtyard. And I had gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe, and you scraped it off with a credit card. And whenever things in my head get all gooey and sticky and messy and I can get 'em out, you always come along and you make me feel clean and you make me feel whole again.Will, just as I know that the sky is blue, I know that you and I are meant to be together. You are my hero, you are... My one true love, you are my inspiration. I love you, Will Schuester."

"I can't believe this is happening." Mr. Schue mumbled, tears in his eyes. "I-I remember that day with the gum and the day you chaperoned the field trip to Carmel High. And the red coat you wore when you took the team to their first Sectionals."

"I love that coat. I got it on sale."

"I remember and notice everything about you. You only get one true love of your life. And you are mine, Emma. And I promise you that as long as you just keep being you and-and let me love you, I will be the happiest man alive. And can we just skip to the I do part because I can't... I can't spend one more minute without being this woman's husband."

"Works for me." The priest said as everyone laughed. "I have a reservation at Breadstix, too."

"We'll see you there." Mr. Schue smiled.

"Emma, do you take Will to be your husband, to love and honor, forsaking all others from this day forward?"

"I do. I do. I do. I do."


"Oh, I definitely do." He said, putting the ring on Ms. Pillsbury finger, just as she'd done with his.

Haley smiled, as she felt Sam's hand resting over hers as his thumb caressed her engagement ring. She was more than excited to get to marry the love of her life in less than a year.  She leaned her back against him even more, sighing in content.

"By the power vested in me and all the rest, Will, Emma...  Wemma... I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"Everyone cheered as they kissed. Haley smiled looking around the room and at their trophy. She knew that despite all her and the Glee club's struggles, graduating and her life after graduation was going to be okay. The best was yet to come.
Guys!!! Season 4 is over! S5 here we come✨

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