Saturday Night Glee-ver

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(Season 3 Episode 16)

{You Should Be Dancing-Sung by Blaine Anderson, Brittany S. Pierce & Mike Chang}

Haley clapped when they were done. Even though disco wasn't entirely her jam, she still cheered for her friends.

"Wo, guys, what brought this on?" Asked Mr. Schue.

"Well, we know this year's Nationals theme was Vintage, so we thought we needed something old, but something with a lot of energy. So we thought: disco." Explained, Blaine.

"Absolutely." Mr. Schue agreed. "I don't know if I ever told you guys this, but back when I was in Glee Club, we took it all the way to Nationals with the pure power of unadulterated disco."

"Mr. Schue? Was that back when disco was a thing?" Haley rhetorically asked, sarcasm evident. Sam laughed at her sarcastic question.

"Um, well, there's only one problem with that idea." Puck spoke up.

"And what's that?"

"Disco sucks!"
"Did someone steal our floor?" Brittany asked, just as confused as everyone else in the choir room.

"Don't worry, we'll have it back by the end of the week. In the meantime, Sue has lent us her..."

"My very own personal, one-of-a-kind, lit-from-within, shatterproof, Plexiglas dance floor." Sue finished. "Modeled, of course, on the dance floor immortalized by a young, musky John Travolta at the height of his potency in the legendary dansical Saturday Night Fever."

"Coach Sylvester, while we applaud your proper use of the terminology, we told Mr. Schue we do not support disco in this room." Rachel commented.

"Ah, but some of you do. So for this week's assignment, we are going back in time to the songs of Saturday Night Fever." Mr. Schue announced.

"Come on, Mr. Schue. That's, like, a record our parents listened to." Finn groaned.

"That album, teen Solomon Grundy, is one of the best-selling soundtracks of all time." Protested Coach Sylvester.
"Tony Manero's story is your story. He's a guy who works at a paint store, struggling to figure out his life. And the only time he feels sure about himself is when he's performing on the dance floor. He has a dream. To get out of his old neighborhood in Brooklyn and get to New York City. And by the end of the movie, that's what he's done. He's turned his dream into a plan."

"So why the dance floor?" Asked Kurt.

"Well, Porcelain, because we're going to start with a dance-off. And the winner will receive a replica of John Travolta's iconic white polyester suit, which I am having a cadre of expert Viennese tailors painstakingly reproduce." Coach Sylvester explained.

"Oh, my God, I need that suit!" Santana said, bursting with excitement.

"Oh, I bet that's worth a lot of money." Mike said aloud.

"I would totally put that suit on...eBay." Mocked Puck.

"So you just want us to start dancing like Soul Train-style?" Asked Finn.

"Uh, no, actually, Sue and I will start us off. We actually met with Joe and Blaine beforehand. Just get up when you're ready. And everyone has to participate. Everyone, Puck."

As the music to Night Fever began, Haley couldn't help but begin to jam out. She looked at Sam who was laughing at her. "Hey, to clarify, I don't like disco too much, but I can't deny the dancing inside of me." She scoffed, playfully.

She moved to the middle of the dance floor, dancing on her own, until Santana and Britt joined her, and they danced together, before moving aside and cheering the rest on.

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