I Do

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"Mr. Schue, how was DC?" Haley asked.

"DC was great, but now I'm back to stay. And so for my first order of business, I want to give a huge shout out to the guy who made sure I had something to come back to, Mr. Finn Hudson!"

Everyone clapped, as Haley nudged him, so he snapped out of whatever world he was in. He sent a small smile Mr. Schue's way.

"Now for this week's assignment..." Mr. Schue began.

"I hope it's Britney again!" Brittany interjected.

Mr. Schue shook his head, before he wrote on the whiteboard. "Miss Pillsbury and I are getting married! Which makes me that happiest, luckiest man alive. Now Emma has been handling the wedding prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and Emma if instead of giving your best man's speech, Finn, you sing for us, what'd you say?"

"Yeah, uh-yeah-of course!" Finn said, after Haley nudged him again. "Seriously, dude, snap out of it." She whispered as he sighed.

"Perfect! For anyone else who isn't out with Asian Bird Flu...."

"It wasn't me." Tina said.

"It's Valentine's Day, which means we need some great, romantic love songs at the reception."

"Wait. You want us to be your wedding singers?" Tina asked. "That's so..." Haley covered Tina's mouth, as Sam chuckled.

"What she means to say, is that we'd all be honored to perform at your wedding Mr. Schue." Haley clarified, as everyone nodded.
Haley was standing in her bedroom getting ready for the wedding, when Sam came to her door, to pick her up.

"Hey, Happy Valentine's Day." Haley said, walking over to him as he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips.

"Happy Valentine's Day. I love you." He said, after they had pulled away.
"And I love you." She said, smiling.

"I got you something." He said as they sat on her bed together. He pulled out a box with a necklace in it.

"Awe Sam, it's beautiful, you didn't have to." Haley gasped. She moved her hair out of the way, so he could put it on her neck.

"And I got you something too." She said handing him a bag. As he opened it, he smiled. It was a photo frame that contained a picture of them from a few months back.

"Thanks, Hay, I love it, I love you. I don't think I tell you that enough." He said, as she pressed her lips to his again.

After they pulled away, she chuckled, yeah, you don't." She joked, as he sent her a look. "Just kidding, you do." She smiled

"Now let's go to that wedding, huh?" She asked, as he nodded.

"Let's go."
Haley sat visiting with Santana and Quinn before the reception began.

"Where's trouts?" Santana asked, as Haley smiled.

"He's coming. Actually, I believe he's talking to Finn or some of the guys right now."

"I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet." Quinn muttered.

"I know. I'm clearly the hottest bitch in this lousy place, but I'm all alone, stuck here sitting with you." Santana said to Quinn.

"Do you want me to slap you again?" Quinn asked, as Haley giggled.

"I hate weddings, and I hate Valentine's Day. They were invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope." Santana complained.

"Oh god, Santana, have some positivity." Haley added. "Being single, ain't all that bad."

"You're just bitter." Quinn said. "Do you know what I hate, though? Men. Every single one of them is a pig, except maybe Mr. Schue and Al Roker. And you know what? You were right. I do let men define me, but not anymore. Like Gloria Steinem said, "A woman without a man..."

"Is a fish without a bicycle." Haley finished.

"Oh god..." Santana said, rolling her eyes sarcastically.

Haley went to sit with Sam, as the ceremony began.
As Haley danced with Sam, Kurt and Blaine, and all their friends, she couldn't help but feel happy and content.

"I'm loving this, but my feet are going to fall off." Haley said, as her and Sam walked to sit down, before the slow dances began.

"I thought you needed surgery to remove your feet." Brittany commented as she walked past, clearly overhearing Haley's complaint. Haley chuckled.

After a while, Sue got on stage.

"Oh god, that's embarrassing. I feel so bad for Emma." Haley muttered, as she watched the action on stage.

"And in other nonsensical traditions, Emma left behind her bouquet as she fled from the scene, leaving it to someone else to toss those soon-to-be-dead flowers under the mythical belief that whoever catches them will magically become the next person to get married, or more likely, sprint from the altar. So gather round ladies! And allow me to be the one to enable your false dreams and expectations." Sue said, emotionless, as the girls in the room gathered around.

As the bouquet was thrown, Haley reached for it, as Sam got in her way. "Sam, what are you doing? This is meant for girls, you know that?"

"What? I'm a great catch, you know that." He winked, as she rolled her eyes, jumping on his back.

However, lucky for Finn, Rachel ended up catching the bouquet, causing him to smirk.

Haley saw him walk up the stairs, as she went up there shortly after.
"Well it's just a theory and belief that you'll be fortunate if you catch it, it doesn't always work that way." Haley pointed out, as Sam nodded.

"I mean, we'll get married one day, I bet." Sam said aloud.

"Oh, Sam, definitely. I'll be very lucky to marry you one day." Haley smiled, as he smirked, at the prospect of their wedding coming sooner, than she thought.

"Yeah? Me too." He smiled, as he looked toward the stage, at Rachel and Finn singing their duet.

"I also got us a key to a room tonight." Haley said as she got her key out, Sam smirked.

"Oh yeah? Well let's go."

They made their way upstairs, but they weren't the only ones.
They couldn't even get in the room without being all over each other.

"You know, although the wedding was kinda a disaster, that doesn't mean the evening was." Haley said, as Sam pressed kisses against her neck.

"Yeah, at least I got to spend it with someone I love." He said pausing what he was doing, as she smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Hay."

Things slowly escalated, and all Haley would say if you could hear her, is that is was one of her most memorable times with the love of her life.

"Well, Happy Valentine's Day, I love you." Haley sighed leaning her head against his chest.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Hay, I love you more than you know." He replied, pressing a kiss to her head as they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Honestly, this was one of my favorite episodes, ngl.

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