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It had only been a month since Haley and Sam had found out she was pregnant, and they were both bursting with excitement. They had visited the doctor, the day after, finding she was about 4 weeks pregnant. They decided to hold up on telling everyone, which meant she had to discreetly sneak off to the bathroom. She had morning sickness, but she also had it during random times of the day. She was moody, but Sam didn't care, he was over the moon about being a dad. This also meant hiding any known clues, so she wore flowy clothing and carried binders or bigger bags, to hide her growing belly from anyone.

As Haley and Sam sat in the teacher's lounge at lunch, they were talking about their baby, and name ideas, even though it was too early to know the gender, they couldn't contain their smiles and chatter.

"When can we tell everyone, Hay?" Sam asked, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "It's been a little while, and I can't wait." He sighed.

"Well, I was about one month pregnant when I found out, a month ago, and I'm two months pregnant. As of tomorrow I'm three months pregnant, which means I'll be at 12 weeks...So anytime I guess. We just need to be together, when we announce it, or be in the know." Haley replied as Sam leaned in to press his lips to hers.

Just as they were enjoying their moment, Rachel came storming into the choir room.

"Hey Rach what's up?" Haley asked, as she pulled away from Sam, to face her.

"Early this morning, I was fast asleep and I was having the most amazing dream tha tI was on Broadway and there was all this pudding. And I woke up to this pounding. At first I just thought it was a really big woodpecker or one of the neighbours was installing an in-ground pool, but then I saw what it was. My dads sold our house!" Rachel explained.

"Wait, isn't that a good thing...? You said it's been on the market for quite some time now, and that the buyers would back out of the offer at the last minute." Haley said.

"Yes! That's because I was sabotaging it!" She went on to explain a few stories of how she scared off the potential buyers.

"Rachel, that's insane." Sam commented.

"Even for your standards, that's a bit extreme." Haley pointed out.

"This is the only house I've ever known, it's the house I grew up in and I just really hate the fact that in a couple of days, it'll be someone else's..."

"Listen, as someone who sometimes didn't have any home at all-" Sam began.
"Uh-mhm! Mhmm! No way! I'm not going to let you guilt me into going along with this because you were once homeless." Rachel began, as Haley glared at her. Sighing, Rachel continued her rant. "I'm sorry, but that has nothing to do with this! I just-I'm not ready to say goodbye, and I'll be damned if I let my dad's go through with this." She finished, storming out of the room.

"What an angsty daughter we have." Sam joked, as Haley sent him a look.

"I have an idea, and it doesn't just have to be a goodbye party, we can announce our pregnancy and invite everyone, not just the current New Directions." Haley suggested, as Sam nodded.

"It's a plan."
After inviting everyone, and getting everyone on board, Haley and Sam's plan was underway. However, Rachel had already begun another lesson, unbeknownst to the slight change of plans.

"Okay you guys! Let's get started on this week's lesson! It's called buckeye bullseyes, featuring all artists from Ohio. Marilyn Manson and Dean Martin and-"

"Actually, Rachel, there's been a slight change of plans." Kurt interjected, walking to the whiteboard.

"Kurt, you can't just change the lesson like that!" She hissed.

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