The Hurt Locker Pt. I

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Leaving the hypnotizing out because it kind of messed the two part episodes up. It also made no sense


Haley was still quite upset over the news had received a few weeks before. She hadn't gotten much sleep and woke up my nightmares most nights. The other nights, Sam found her in the kitchen at 3 in the morning. Today was one of those mornings.

Haley sat at the island in the kitchen drinking water and reading since she was wide awake. Her empty presence in their bedroom hadn't gone unnoticed by Sam. He woke up, and made his way into the kitchen to see her sitting there.

"Can't sleep?" He asked, as she jumped in shock, but turned to look at him.

"Yeah. Again. This is like night 15 of being awake." She sighed as he pulled her off her chair and into his arms.

"Hay, you need to get some sleep, okay? Frankly I'm worried about you." Sam said, genuinely concerned.

"You say that every night. I will be fine, okay? I can function properly on 3-4 hours of sleep." Haley said, trying to reassure him.

"It's not healthy though, and you should at least be getting 7-8 hours." He protested, as she let out a frustrated groan.

"Well, Sam, I don't know what to tell you. I found out I probably can't have kids over 3 weeks ago. I let these things get to me, and maybe this is like a coping method? If I may be blunt, I'm upset, and I'm going to be fine." Haley argued.

"We are going to figure this out. I can tell you're tired, and you have bags under your eyes. You need to rest, and not worry about the former news for a day or two." He said, as she sighed, turning away for a minute to roll her eyes, before looking back up at him.

"Fine, if it's any consolation I'll go lay on the couch. Not making any promises of falling asleep though. We have to leave for our jobs in 4 hours." Haley pointed out.

"That's my girl." Sam sent her a smile, as he pulled her to the couch. "Here, I'll even lay with you to make sure you can go to sleep." He offered, as she sighed.

"Sure, sure." She muttered, as she leaned her head against his chest, once they laid across the couch together.

They continued to talk and Haley continued to try to get points across and argue with his genuine concerns. Surprisingly enough, after a few minutes, she drifted off to sleep, and Sam fell asleep soon after.
Sue Sylvester became full of rage after Will Schuester left a plastic fork in the teacher's lounge for her to clean up. She was so angry that she restarted her war on the Glee Club, by surprising them with an invitational.

Rachel and Kurt were desperately trying to escape this difficult situation. They knew that the New Directions would have the exact same reactions to the Warblers and Vocal Adrenaline's performances as they had a few years prior.

"Okay, so let's go through the rules, we decided that there are no judges so this is really about bragging rights." Blaine said, as he was watching the Warbler's rehearse. "But still, my guys are taking this very, very seriously so I just wanted to make sure the order is picked fairly and by fairly, I mean that we're gonna go second. By the way, how's the filling of your roster coming along? Is that going okay?"

"It's an invitational so we don't have to follow the strict show choir rules." Kurt replied.

"Has it occurred to your guys that this could be a horrible idea for your team?" Blaine asked.

"We just want to give them a sense of what to expect at Sectionals. And we were just hoping that maybe you and Mr. Schuester would go easy on us." Rachel said.

"Oh ho, no way, no, absolutely not, nobody's going easy on anybody, nope." Blaine was quickly opposed.

"Well there's your answer. In almost every form of no." Haley pointed out, averting her eyes elsewhere to avoid Blaine's death glare.

"The Warblers are being rebuilt just like the New Directions, I'm sorry, but my allegiance is with them. And if that all sounds scary to you then you should just drop out." Blaine continued.

"Well we don't want to-" Kurt began.

Blaine gasped suddenly, before beginning to rush out of the auditorium. "It's Dave, there's an intruder in our apartment." He explained, as the group piled into his car.

"Dave, what's going on?" Blaine asked, panicked at the sight of Dave on the table with a chair in his hands.

"In there! In the bedroom! I thought I was gonna die!" Dave yelled, as the group ran into the bedroom. "No! Don't go in there! You're all gonna get killed!"

"Blaine jumped back, causing everyone else to back up when they saw a bear cub on his bed. "That is a real bear cub. Definitely not artificial. Blaine, why do you have a bear cub in your bedroom?" Haley asked.

"Why is there a bear in here?!" Dave panicked.

"I didn't put that bear in here. Why would I put a bear in here?" Blaine asked, after some of the group assumed he had done it.

'I-I think I'll call animal control." Rachel said, walking out of the room, clearly terrified.

"I'm going to go make tea or something." Haley said as she reached out a hand to get Dave off the table.
Haley sat in the choir room, trying to relieve her stress and lift her mood, by playing on the piano. She hummed quietly, as she played.

Sam walked in with a huge smile on his face. "Girl you sound so good!"

"Which impression was that?" Haley asked, turning around.

"John Mayer." Sam clarified, sitting down beside her at the piano.

"Oh, cool." Haley answered, sending him a small smile.

"Yeah, whatever song you're playing sounds amazing." He said, as he watched her play some notes.

"Thanks, just randomly trying to lift my mood." She answered.

"Well, maybe this song would help." Sam suggested, as he played an intro to a song.

"I love this song." Haley smiled softly, as Sam grinned, both of them playing the song together.


After they finished, Sam leaned in pressing his lips to hers, as she smiled into the kiss.

"I love you." Haley said, as they pulled away.

"I love you too, Hay." Sam said, pulling her into his arms. "You are going to be okay. Everything is going to workout."

Just as they were enjoying their moment, Blaine stormed into the choir room, upset.

"You would not believe what's just happened!" He shouted.
"What happened?" Haley sighed.

"Yeah, man are you okay?" Sam asked.

"No, I'm not okay. It turns out that Dave and I are related." Blaine explained, disgusted.

Both Haley and Sam's mouths dropped in shock. "What? How's that possible?" Haley asked after a few moments of silence.

"We're third cousins apparently, we share a great-great grandad, Thomas Anderson." He explained. "Sue did our genealogy charts using hair she found in our washing machine."

" you believe it?" Sam asked.

"Well, yeah... DNA doesn't lie." Blaine pointed out.

"Sue does. She's determined to get you and Kurt together again..." Haley sighed before getting up. "I'm going to go now, and try to deal with this." She said, pressing her lips to Sam's before she walked out of the room.

"That's disgusting." Blaine sighed.

"What is?" Sam asked, confused.

"Sometimes you guys, and the fact that DNA doesn't lie." Blaine muttered, confused on how he was formulating the sentence.
Mr. Schue had broken his promise on going easy at invitationals. What Kurt and Rachel had attempted to prevent from happening, happened.

"Oh god." Haley said, leaning her head against Sam's shoulder. "They're screwed."

"You aren't wrong." Sam agreed, also in shock.

The new New Directions sat in horror and complete shock watching Vocal Adrenaline. Not to mention, the Warblers also looked intimidated.

"I-I...that's just scary." Blaine whispered as he leaned his head on Haley's free shoulder. "There's no way we can compete with that."

"Well, I mean you guys and Vocal Adrenaline have costumes, while the New Directions are simply dressed in blue." Haley pointed out. "You're going to be fine." She assured him, before getting up and offering reassuring hugs to anyone who needed them.

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