The Quarterback

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Guys, it's here. Grab your tissues, and cry or be emotional, it's your choice, it's valid. I didn't make it without crying, so you aren't the only ones.
Finn Hudson had been gone for three weeks. Every one of the New Directions were feeling broken, and grieving in whatever way they saw fit. Even if they had only known him for four months. Haley had known him the longest, and she was surprisingly holding it together. She was holding it together, being the rock of the group, as a mom would. She didn't want to break yet.

After the funeral, Mr. Schue had called the New directions together so they could honor him in the choir room through song. The feeling of sadness lingered through the whole choir room.

"I'm really glad so many of you could make it back for this." Mr. Schue said in a weaker tone than usual, after he had written Finn's name on the whiteboard.

"We wouldn't miss it for anything, Mr. Schue." Mike said, quietly.

"The funeral was for everyone. But I wanted to do something just for us. To memorialize him the only way we know how, by singing. All week long anyone who wants to come up and sing, maybe a song he sung, maybe something that reminds you of him..."

"Singing isn't gonna bring him back." Puck spoke up, louder than he intended to.

"No, it's not. Nothing is. Not ever. But for two minutes or so we can all maybe remember the best parts of him. So, think of what you want to sing, if you want to sing and we'll start tomorrow." Mr. Schue continued.

Mercedes shook her head before walking to stand in the middle of the room. "Oh I can't wait until tomorrow, Mr. Schue. I've been balling for three weeks, if I don't get this all out now, I don't think I'll ever stop crying."

"Sure Mercedes, start us off."

"I remember Finn telling me that he sang this song to his baby's sonogram, at least he thought it was his baby. He was the first cool kid to be nice to any of us and he was our leader in here." Mercedes said as she looked up, feeling tears come to her eyes. "We love you Finn."

{I'll Stand by You-Sung by Mercedes Jones}
Later on, Sam and Artie sang Fire and Rain in the auditorium while the rest of the New Directions sat listening in silence.

Santana rushed out, right when the song finished, feeling very overwhelmed.

Soon after that Haley got up and walked out, everyone watched her as she left. Sam's eyes followed her as she left. He sighed , wiping the tears that had fallen during his performance.

Haley had been distant from everyone including Sam. She wanted space, and she knew if she got comforted, she would break.
Haley sat in Finn's room with Carol, Kurt and Burt as they sorted through Finn's things.

"I marked these boxes so it'd be easier to separate things." Kurt said.

"Thanks honey." Carol smiled weakly.

"You don't have to do this now. It can wait." Burt said from the door.

"There's no timetable." Kurt commented.

"It's true." Haley added softly.


"We should do it now, or...I'm afraid I'll never do it." Carol said.

"Look it's the ball from the first game we ever scored at."

"You should keep this, dad."

"That was the weirdest football game I had ever been to."

"Look, it's the faggy lamp from Marlene Dietrich basement redecoration."

"I think he kept it in here to prove a point to Burt."

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