Child Star

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Haley had hit 6 and ½ months of pregnancy, and she still had 3 months left. Although she was anticipating meeting her daughter, she was already done.

"Oh my god..." She muttered, as she slowly got herself out of bed and made a run to the bathroom.

Sam unfortunately was used to her waking up, and so he went after her.

"Hay, are you okay?" He asked as he held her hair back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Haley assured him, as she wiped the tears that had fallen. He brought her into a hug, as they walked back to bed.

"What time is it?" She asked, obviously unsure if she would ever sleep.

"2:30AM." Sam answered, yawning.

"Well...I'm just going to stay up, because the occasional nausea and unlimited runs to the bathroom will be the death of me." Haley muttered as she walked out of the bedroom.

"If you're staying up, Hay, I'm going to stay up with you." Sam said, following her into the kitchen.

"No, you really don't have to. You need sleep, I can't get any literally." Haley protested.

"Well, that's not going to stop me from being here for you." He argued, as they sat down together on the couch.

"Fine." Haley sighed, as she made a face. "Ohhhh....she just kicked." Haley smiled, after her shocked and aching expression. She grabbed Sam's hand as he felt her stomach.

"Oh, yeah she did." He smiled. "I feel like she's going to have your brashness and brutal honesty."

Haley laughed. "I think you may be right, and she'll have your humour I'm sure."

"We'll see, but hopefully she loves my impressions."

"Awe, baby I think she will." Haley smiled.

"Have you thought of any names?" Sam asked, after changing topics.

"Well I thought of Arlo Satnyna, Addison Keeva, or Daphne Jewel, or Eloise Cameron." Haley said, pulling up her list on her laptop. "It depends, and it's still up for discussion."

"I love those names baby...we have so much to do still." Sam sighed.

"Yeah, we need to get her room ready. We need to buy some more essentials. I've already got a boatload of clothing from people." Haley said gesturing toward a bin.

"Yikes. She's already spoiled." Sam muttered. "And we haven't even got her that many toys or other essential things."

"We'll figure it out and get the tasks checked off." Haley said, as she leaned her head against Sam's shoulder.

"That we will Hay. I love you" He smiled, wrapping his arm around her.

"I love you too." She sighed, as he leaned in and captured her lips in his.
The next day, the glee club, including Haley, Sue, Will, and Rachel sat in the auditorium. They all wore shocked expressions as Myron Muskovitz performed Lose My Breath. It was modern and very off key. He had come because he wanted tips for his Bar Mitzvah performance, and because he was the Superintendent Harris's nephew.

"It's so off key." Haley muttered to Kitty, both the girls were trying not to cringe or shout out comments.

"I know! I don't know whether to be traumatized by the sheer amount of sparkle." Kitty replied.

After he finished, Rachel was the first to praise him. "That was amazing Myron, you're very talented."

"Thank you Miss Berry, I'm a big fan so that means the world to me." Myron grinned. "But here's the catch, I want my bar Mitzvah to be perfect. Not good, not great, perfect. How can I improve this number? Seriously, give me any notes."

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