The best for me

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The best for me
(Chapter 21)

Third person POV

Another day, another adventure. Jungkook and tae had been up for ages waiting for there long awaited guests. It was jungkook's first time meeting them formally, since their first in counter wasn't the most....what's the word, proper. They both were in panic and worried state. Jungkook was pretty chill about it, on the other hand tae had been in the kitchen since morning. The younger had not seen him for almost the whole day but would pop his head in once in a while to insure that the elder was safe and sound.

Jungkook was just trying to find something productive to do, to waste his time. After countless hours of tae being in the kitchen he ended up making enough food to feed a family of eight, the younger was proud of his boyfriend and rewarded him with many kisses and hugs.

Time skip....

Ding dong! The long awaited moment, tae grabbed the bouquet of flowers that were placed on the dining table and rushed to the door. He opened the door and saw his sunshine Hobi and Y/N and behind them was Lisa. Tae hugged Hobi, then handed his the bouquet of flower smiling. He then hugged Y/N and complimented how good she looked, he then hugged Lisa and by that time jungkook was there with him talking with Hobi and Y/N. They all made their way inside and went to the living room.

Y/N then pulled out an envelope and placed it in tae's hands, tae looked at her confused. He took it and opened it, he smiled, it was a invitation to their wedding. "Thank you, me and kookie will make sure we'll come," she smiled and they continued to talk, they had lunch and talked a bit more. Lisa decided to stay with tae and jungkook while Hobi and Y/N needed to deliver more wedding invitations. They all made there way over to door to say goodbye to couple, the waved until Hobi drove away and then came inside.

The elder got up and started cleaning up the dinning table when the younger came and saw what he was doing, he wrapped his hands around tae's waist. Tae turned around and jungkook quickly pecked his lip making tae blush, "You go rest baby, you worked a lot today. Let me do it," the younger. Tae's heart swelled up at the concerne the younger had for his health, tae quickly kissed jungkook on the lips and quickly ran away to the living room to Lisa.

Even though jungkook and tae had been dating for almost four months now, the elder was still shy. It made his look cute and....submissive. Jungkook shook his head at his dirty thoughts and continued working.

Tae ran into the living room with his face flushed red, Lisa looked at him worriedly but soon realised what might of happened. Not a while after they heard another Ding dong! Tae made his way over to door expecting to see Hobi, 'this forgetful boy' the elder thought to himself and opened the door. He was surprised to meet a woman? She looked like she was in her forty's or fifty's, there was also a girl standing next to her. Tae couldn't see the girls face since it was hid behind a mask, they looked really rich, wearing all designer clothes.

The younger finished the dishes and arrived in the living room, to be only met with Lisa. "Where tae?" Jungkook asked wiping his hands with a cloth, "There was someone at the door, he's been gone for a quite awhile," Lisa said worriedly. After hearing this the younger rushed to door, to be met with his mum? "Eomma?" Jungkook said standing behind tae. "Jungkook dear," she said coming to hug him revealing the girl behind, she looked some what annoyed at the fact that she was here.

Before the woman could hug jungkook, jungkook stopped her in her tracks. "Why are you here eomma?" He asked rolling his eyes at her, "Because I missed you jungkook," she said and jungkook scoffed. "Of course you did mum," he said holding onto tae's wrist and dragging him to the living room. The lady that was 'jungkook's mum' followed them to the living room, while the girl silently walked behind them.

They all made there way to the living room and Lisa stood up in respect, bowing. Her eyes then caught on the girl that was standing beside her, she was so pretty Lisa thought and blushed. The girl took off her mask, jungkook and tae were both shocked. ".....Jennie," Tae said, she nodded her head. "What do you want from me?" Jungkook asked angrily, "What's the best for you," she said, jungkook looked like he was about to cry. Tae started caressing the younger's back, hoping to calm him down from his fuming anger.

Jungkook POV

"Really?" I asked not even looking into her eyes. She had the audacity to nod, "I want what's best for you." "Ahh really, you think about what's best for me. You thought leaving me when I was three was the best for me," I said crossing my arms and crying silently. "You thought cheating on appa was THE BEST FOR ME!" I said yelling in her face, she didn't say anything and looked down. "You only loved appa because of his money, you know not everyone runs behind money like you do," she looked at me angrily, but I didn't mind. "And you?" I said and pointed to Jennie, "Why?" I asked she looked down guilty of what she had done in the past.

"I don't want to hear anything from you, you are going to marry Jennie and that's final," she said looking at me, I have had it. "You don't want whats best for me, BECAUSE I already love someone. That someone makes me happy and that someone is the best for me. That person is.." I went over to tae and kissed him. Tae froze but kissed back. "No you have to marry Jennie, she's way better than that hoe," i was about to punch her but tae was holding me down. But what Jennie said next surprised me. "I told you Mrs Jeon, I like girls. I don't like your jungkook anymore. And plus he found someone who makes him happy, you should be happy for him. I only came with you to apologies for my mistakes that I made in past."

But my mum didn't listen, she kept on going on and on about how nice of a couple me and Jennie would look. I didn't want to hear anymore of her rambling so I got the guard's kick her out. She kept on yelling and screaming at me telling me that she was my mother, but to me she's only the person that gave birth to me.After the guard's took her away, I couldn't take it anymore and rushed to my room with tae following behind me.

Third person POV

Lisa and Jennie just stood there not knowing what to do, until Lisa decided to make the first move by pushing Jennie onto the couch and hovered over her. She leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "I think your cute. I could fancy a date with you, if your up for it," Lisa said while she smirked as she could see Jennie blushing. She nodded, "Where's your phone?" Lisa asked, Jennie was confused of why Lisa needed her phone but gave it to her anyway. Lisa saved her phone number on Jennie's phone and gave it back to her. "Call me if you want me," she said before licking her lips then walking out.

Jennie laid there, still shook about what had just happened. She smiled and looked at her phone. "I want you".........


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