Chapter 13

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I slammed the door shut and rested against it, heaving a heavy sight. What the hell did I just witness?!

"Babe? You okay? I thought you were bringing Rose her sneakers."

I looked over at Christian sprawled over on the bed, his hands folded behind his head, shirt unbuttoned and shoes and socks off. It was something I could get used to seeing. I nodded my head and cleared my throat before dropping the shoes to the floor beside me.

"Yeah. Everything is fine. She wasn't in her dorm yet," I said, running my hand through my hair. I didn't even know what to think about what I just saw. I knew Rose had a crush on Guardian Belikov, but I didn't think he reciprocated the feelings. Hell, I wasn't sure he was the dating type. But what I saw wasn't dating, and it was clear by their body language that that wasn't the first time that had done that!

"I'm gonna take a shower," I mumbled and grabbed some of my things before heading into the bathroom, shutting the door tight behind me. I turned on the water and rested my hands against the sink, looking at myself in the reflection. When did that start? And is it just casual or what?

I just wanted to scream WHAT THE FUCK ROSE?!


The slight jolt snapped me out of Lissa's head and I looked up to see Dimitri staring down at me, his hands wrapped around my arms.

"Sorry, I got sucked into Lissa's head."

Dimitri nodded his head and shifted my weight, not expecting for the surface below me to shift too. I gripped Dimitri's arms before realizing that he had moved me from the dresser to my bed, pulling the shirt he gifted me over my head.

"She's a little upset," I sighed, flopping onto my back. I brought my hands up and covered my face and groaned. This was fifty levels of fucked.

"Do you think that she'd-"

"No," I said, lifting my hands up to look at him. "She won't say anything. She knew that I had a crush on you. She's just feeling a little betrayed and shocked. I mean, if you were in her shoes how would you feel?"

I saw his face relax a little more before he picked up his shirt and slipped it back on.

"Please don't go," I murmured, sitting up to reach out to him. He gave me a sad smile and crouched so he was closer to my height.

"I don't think that will be a good idea," he replied, tucking a curl behind my ear. I finally got a dose of him and I was losing it already.


Dimitri looked like he was stuck in a hard place before I added, "Only you and Lissa have keys to my room."

He sighed and pulled the shirt back off before unbuckling his belt and pulling it out of the loops.

"Just sleeping."

I nodded my head happily and reached up to start pulling the pins out. It seemed like I was taking too long and Dimitri gently moved my hands out of the way, pulling them out and setting them on the nightstand before running his fingers against my scalp. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes as he massaged my scalp.

"You're really good at that."

Dimitri chuckled, "I've had practice."

I knitted my brows together and turned my head a bit, making him laugh harder. "Mama used to like it if we played with her hair before bed. We thought she had us do it because we thought it was fun, but really, she suffered from headaches and it helped a bit. I used to do it for her when she had particularly bad ones," he said. I tried to picture a lanky teenaged Dimitri sitting beside his mother on the couch, massaging her head, but I couldn't. It was hard to imagine him as anything but what he is now.

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