Chapter 12

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I can't remember the last time I drank alcohol, not to mention the last time I was anywhere near drunk. But I was perfectly buzzed and enjoying it. The last hoorah after passing all of our exams and Aaron threw a rager. I was hesitant to go but with Lissa's pleading, I broke a went. It started with only one drink, and then two, and then five. And it wasn't cheap keggers, it was good liquor. Gin, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, and they were all being consumed.

Lissa was flushed from the drink and it was amusing to see her pale skin with pink rosy cheeks. Christian seemed to be nursing his drink that smelled horrible and Eddie was doing the same. I looked into my cup and frowned, I wasn't even sure what I was drinking anymore but sipped at it anyways. The music was surprisingly loud for it to be happening in secret but I didn't pay much attention to it. It was my last night of freedom before becoming a full-fledge Guardian.

"So, did you pick where we are going yet?" Lissa slurred perched in Christian's lap. I starred down in my cup and pursed my lips.

"No. I think I want to go somewhere hot though. Would you be ok with that?"

Lissa tried to nod her head but her whole body moved too, making her sway slightly as she smiled at me. I smirked back at her and leaned against Christian's shoulder, something I wouldn't be caught dead doing sober, but I need the extra support.

"What are going to do though? It's going to be hot and you're so pale," I said, my head lulling to rest against Christian's. He started to laugh and gently nudged me but I groaned and pushed back against him. The noise around us stopped for a moment before a loud voice boomed through the room.

"We are giving you five minutes! Everyone back to your dorms!"

Ah shit. There was the cavalry. I jumped up from the couch and swayed a little but got my footing and stumbled from the room with Lissa and the boys. We slowly made our way back to Lissa's dorm and deposited her and Christian before Eddie stopped in to check on a buddy of his. I wandered back towards my dorm, trailing my hand against the stone wall of the main campus building, humming tunelessly to myself. The downside right now was that the sun was so bright it practically burned.

I was starting to feel the last drink I had and I had surpassed buzzed and drove right into drunksville.


I jumped and came to a stop in my place, spinning around slowly expecting to get a strip torn off me for being out and drinking, only to find my confused and extremely sexy boyfriend.

"DIMITRI!" I squealed as I half ran half stumbled towards him. He put his arms out instantly and caught me, which would have saved me before having scrapped knees in the morning.

"What are you doing here, Comrade?" I whispered, worried that he was going to be in trouble for being out after curfew.

"Rose, I'm coming off shift. What are yo- are you drunk?" Dimitri said, his voice becoming stern when he caught a whiff of the alcohol on my breath.

"Uhhhhhhh. Maybe just a bit," I slurred, holding my thumb and index finger just a mere centimetre apart. Dimitri shook his head looking less than impress before helping me stand up on my two feet on my own before gently pulling me with him.

"If you get caught, you'll be screwed," Dimitri said pulling me along but my feet couldn't keep up. Eventually, he spun around and tossed me over his shoulder, his arm clamping over my hips and legs as he walked. I playfully smacked his back before dizziness swept in and I stopped, moaning and resting my head against his back instead.

I resorted to closing my eyes as he walked, the sensation of being upside down and the movement not doing much for my stomach. The click of Dimitri's door opening made me aware that he got to our destination. Dimitri set me down gently on the bed and tugged my shoes off.

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