Chapter 7

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My head thumped against the textbook in front of me and I let out a small groan. This exam prep was killing me. I ended up hiding from the Spanish inquisition in the library of all places. The one place nobody would ever think of looking for me. I lifted my head and flipped through the textbook before stopping and looking around.

If I was the only one in the library, why not practice a little bit?

I shifted my body so that my back was to the opening in the bookshelves, shielding the textbook and putting my hand up as if I was turning the page with my hand. I took a deep breath and relaxed as I let my eyes wander right to left, the page moving slowly and smoothly through the air. It felt so freeing to do that, to use my abilities. This must be what Lissa felt when she used Spirit after not using it for so long.

I stopped moving my eyes from side to side and simply looked at the book and the pages ruffled in succession. It was thrilling to see it happen and a smirk crossed my lips, the movement ruffling my loose hair across my face. The breeze moving my hair wasn't the only thing I noticed and I stopped moving the pages altogether, turning in my seat to find a tall Russian standing just over my shoulder.

"I like watching you do that," he said as he sat down across from me. I blushed a little and flicked my eyes from the book to him, and I mentally nudged the book. It slid across the table so fast that it would've shot off the top if Dimitri hadn't put his hand up. He chuckled a little and pushed it back onto the table.

"What possessed you to study for Bodyguard Theory?" he laughed and I rolled my eyes. I was surprised with myself too, but it was the only textbook I had with me and I needed to look like I was doing something.

"Not much, to be honest," I snorted while walking my fingers over the cover. "I'm actually hiding from my friends."

Dimitri knitted his brows at me and crossed his arms, resting them on the table as he leaned towards me. "Why?"

"Way too many questions about my dad."

A small smile crosses his gorgeous face. "So you're calling him 'Dad' now?"

I shrugged because I wasn't sure if I really was. It was easier than saying Abe and then explaining who he was when I talked about him, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for that yet. At the same time, I was ready to openly embrace him as my dad.

"You know, he really doesn't act like a Moroi," I said to Dimitri, unfolding my leg from under me and stretching it out under the table, my foot just brushing his. Dimitri straightened his leg out and let his boot rest against my shoe, the closest we could touch in public.

"How so?"

I mimicked Dimitri and leaned my folded arms on the textbook and put my chin on my arms. "He didn't listen to protocols. Told me that being my father came before our races and that he would always put himself between me and harm. Strigoi included."

Dimitri canted his head, "That doesn't surprise me. He employs lots of Guardians, but he only replies on one. He isn't the cowering type."

I bit my lip and nodded against my arms. "I gathered that," I chuckled. I smirked at him and sighed before sitting upright abruptly.

"We need to be careful. Especially around him. He was staring at my neck last night and then begged me to tell him that my mark he could see wasn't from a Moroi."

Dimitri groaned and shook his head. "Great. If anyone could catch us, it'd be your father."

I played with the textbook again before pulling my foot up to rest on the seat. Completely unladylike considering we had to wear uniforms today and apparently pants for the female Novices was a foreign idea. But there was no one in here besides me and Dimitri and I pulled my skirt around to keep me covered.

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