Chapter 15

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Hello hello, my lovelies! You are getting your chapter early! I sadly will not have time to do it tomorrow or Tuesday between working, getting my echocardiogram and my follow-up appointments.... so you get it today! :)


READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED IN THIS CHAPTER! There are themes of assault in this chapter and it will be flagged with ** and ended with same.

I feel like I have spent hours getting this chapter the way I wanted it to, and I hope that I got it right.

I would like to take a moment and thank HonestPassion13 for reading the chapter and giving me a wack ton of suggestions and advice. If you haven't read her stories yet, please check her out!


The hand on my back tried to rouse me, but I grumbled and rolled away from it. The hand came over my waist and pulled me towards them.

"Rose, you'll want to see this," a voice said softly, stroking my head. I cracked an eye open and looked up at Dimitri. He pointed to something and I sat up a bit and then shot up completely. A conversation I had with Dimitri months ago came back to me and I pulled the sheet around me as I got out of bed and padded out to the dock.

Hell, if I could get in the water and not scare the pod of dolphins I would right now. I leaned against the railing and watch them jump through the water. It was mesmerizing, and the rising sun in the background made it even more so. I don't want to leave this place.

"I don't think," Dimitri started as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, "that I've ever seen you so quiet."

I scoffed and pushed back into him, but didn't reply other than that. I wanted to savour the moment. I loved dolphins, always had. If animals weren't terrified of Dhampirs, I would be swimming with them. As corny as the whole thing was of Dimitri and I watching the dolphin swim at sunrise, it was something that was going to be burned into my memory forever. The air was quiet and the only noise I could find was our steady breathing and the moving of the water.

"I'm sorry to interrupt."

I flinched and looked to my right to see Guardians Tua and Howes standing just off to the side. I cleared my throat as a blush crept up my face. It was one thing to see Guardians in a bathing suit and robe, it was a whole different story when I was only dressed in a sheet.

"What is it?" Dimitri addressed Tua. I turned and tightened my arms around my chest, noticing that Dimitri had pulled on a pair of shorts. Where did those come from?

"The Princess asked me to let you and Guardian Castile know that you will both be off for the day and that myself and Guardian Howes will be replacing you," Tua explained while gesturing to Howes.

"Thank you," I said with a smile and a nod. Tua gave me a small smile in return before looking out at the water. "Beautiful creatures, aren't they?"

I nodded, "Yes. They were my favourite part of Animal Behavior and Physiology. I love them."

Dimitri chuckled under his breath, "It doesn't surprise me. I mean, with the stories your father tells about you as a child and your love of the ocean."

I pinched his arm and scowled at him, but he just laughed and kissed the side of my head. It shocked me that he did that in front of other people, but this wasn't something we needed to hide anymore. If he wanted to kiss me or I wanted to kiss him, we didn't have to worry like we did.

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