Chapter 2

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Lissa's disapproving gaze made me shift uncomfortably in my seat, her jade eyes boring into my soul.

"What do you mean you can't come?" Lissa whined, pouting her lip at me while I shook my head. Lissa was hell bent on going on another shopping trip, but I really didn't have the time to skip out on my assignments. I was already behind. Although, if I really needed help, I could just ask Dimitri. He seemed like the kind of guy who was a straight A student when he was at St. Basils.

"I doubt they'd let me go, Liss. Besides, I don't really have the funds to go shopping and I don't want to dip into yours. You buy me enough," I said as I played with my soggy fries. I should have gotten the sweet potato fries; they would have been better and fresh.

Lissa crossed her arms and leaned against the table in a very unprincess like manner before turning her eyes on Christian and Adrian, begging them to help persuade me. Christian sighed while Adrian just raised his brows at me.

"C'mon Lil Dhampir, it'll be lots of fun!" Adrian said in the most obnoxious voice ever. I narrowed my eyes at him and flung the fry between my fingers at him.

"I doubt they would even let you off the premises. All three of you are royals and there was just an attack. They are hard pressed for Guardians right now," I said, trying to find another argument. I knew that saying I didn't want to go would be easier, but not accepted. Sometimes, I wished Lissa would just listen to what I said.

I faced Eddie who gave me a shrug and a look that said what can you do before getting up to refill his plate. I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest, silently counting down the minutes until I could bolt for training with Dimitri.

I tuned out Lissa's conversation and was happily surprised when a plate of sweet potato fries was placed in front of me. I gave Eddie a large smile before digging into them, groaning because they were hot. Maybe with the amount of students leaving the academy, the staff decided to bless us with somewhat decent food. I scarfed down my food in record time, glancing up to find out that not only had dinner come to an end, but I was now behind on getting to the gym.

"I've got to go guys! See you later!" I said, jumping up and grabbing my bag from under the table. I collected my garbage as they all waved to me and I scurried from the dining hall.


As if the day wasn't bad enough, it was pouring outside and by the time I got to the gym, I was soaked. Not just, oh-it's-raining and I had to run through it, I was soaked as if I decided to jump into the lake fully clothed.

I flicked my hair out of my eyes and pushed my way into the gym, dropping my bag and rummaging through it for my towel. I wiped myself off as I went about getting the equipment out that we would need today, practice stakes, breast pads, I even searched for an extra towel for my sopping hair.

I found one and sighed in triumph when the lights went out, sending the gym into complete darkness. I groaned and tossed the now wet towel to the ground. "Very funny, Dimitri. I know you're there."

Usually when Dimitri wanted to sneak up on me, he would rob me of my sight, forcing me to rely on my other senses. But the footfalls didn't match his, and my defense went up. We may have the wards back up, but I wouldn't put it past a human, or other Guardian to cause any issues around campus. I spun around in time to block a punch to the stomach, and I immediately went on the defensive, holding my arms up to block my face and stomach. I couldn't gather if it was a man or woman, but they were taller than I was and easily a Guardian by the way they fought. Because of how dark it was outside from the rain, I couldn't get my eyes to adjust in here, and I really was fighting blind. I buckled when a blow hit the back of my knee and the offensive member took the advantage.

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