Chapter 28

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I smoothed my shirt and appraised myself in the mirror. I could definitely pass as a college student! My hair was pulled back in a loose bun at the top of my neck, my blue jeans fitted but comfortable, and my t-shirt and sweater crease-free. Honestly, I should let Lissa pick my casual clothes more often. I grabbed my bag off the chair and wandered out to the small kitchen, kissing Dimitri's cheek as I sat down next to him.

"Ready for your first day?" Lissa asked across from me as she ate her yogurt. I smirked and grabbed a banana out of the bowl. I nodded and started to eat, leaning into Dimitri as I read the paper over his shoulder. There wasn't anything all that interesting to me, so I waited until he read his page and I stole the comic section, smirking at him as I did so.

"What's our first class again?" I asked over my mouthful of banana.


I rolled my eyes but accepted it. I would have to play catch up because she was so far ahead. Dimitri had it easy; all he had to do was go to cooking classes and make stuff. I had to shit through hours of mind numbness for political science.

The classes weren't really that bad, they were actually interesting. I would never in a million years think that I would be interested in the subjects, but I was hooked on the law classes we did take. Lissa's classmates were alright too, a few of them were kind enough to include me immediately into their tight-nit group.

The one downside of the group of friends was Jude. He was the stereotypical frat boy in the mix. Also had no sense of social cue. I groaned quietly to myself as Jude talked. He had been hitting on me for a few weeks now and took every opportunity to talk to me. And by extension, Lissa. He was using talking to Lissa to talk to me.


I turned back into the conversation after surveying the room. "Hmm?"

"I wanted to know if the two of you wanted to come to a Halloween party next weekend?" Jude said a small smile on his face. I looked and Lissa and I knew immediately that she wanted to go.

"Can I bring my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Boyfriend?" he asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. I nodded and did a quick glance around the room, smiling to myself when I saw the six feet and seven inches of my man standing at the door. I pointed behind Jude's shoulder and he turned, sizing Dimitri up before looking back at me.

"He's a little old for you, isn't he?"

Lissa snorted a laugh and gave me a look that said she was going over to Christian, effectively abandoning me in this conversation. I sighed and shifted my weight, placing my hands on my hips.

"He's not. Not that it's your business to comment on my personal life," I said before brushing past him, skipping towards Dimitri. He must have had some notion of the conversation I was fleeing from because he broke protocol. He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. Not quite chaste, but enough to make a point clear. I pulled away and smiled up at him before he pulled my bag from my hand, shouldering it before taking my hand.

"How was your class?" I asked as we walked behind Christian and Lissa. Dimitri shrugged and squeezed my hand. "It was alright."

I raised my brows at him but didn't push him for more information. I heard footsteps approaching us quickly and I saw Eddie running towards us, so I slowed my pace.

"Sorry! I had to talk to Profession Atkins about the assignment. What bullshit right? We're only in class for six weeks and he's dropped this on us," Eddie explained, his complaint clear in his voice. I grinned and snorted a laugh. I knew how he felt. One of Lissa and I's professors gave us an assignment two weeks in. Lissa was ok with it, I was not.

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