Chapter 6

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I fluffed my hair and pursed my lips while looking at my reflection. I turned my head side to side before pulling a few pieces from the front up and looked at my reflection again. Damn hair! It doesn't want to do anything! I huffed and looked at my door when a knock vibrated through the room.

"It's open!" I called before returning my attention back to the task. Dimitri poked his head in and quickly stepped into the room. He gave me a smile before going to sit on the edge of my bed, raising his brows at the array of clothes strewn across the floor. I fiddled with my hair a bit before cursing under my breath and pulling it up in a messy bun.

Dimitri stood up and came to stand behind me, his hands coming up to untie the bun. I scowled at him in the mirror but he winked at me and moved his fingers through my hair, twisting it and turning it before securing it with pins at the base of my head.

"What did you do?" I asked, turning my head to try and see the back of it. Dimitri ducked his head down and kissed the side of my neck chastely. Well, as chastely as a kiss there could be.

"A twist bun. It's nicer on your hair and your hair is thick enough that it holds nicely," he explained as he sat back down on my bed, a smirk on his lips. I smiled and turned to face him, spreading my arms out for him to assess my outfit. "Thank you. Does this look ok?"

Dimitri laughed, "You look beautiful."

I nodded and smoothed my hands over my shirt. I didn't have a lot of nice clothes, but I figured a moss green sweater dress and leggings would be ok. It was comfortable and pretty. I took a step forward and leaned down to rest my forehead against his head.

"What are you up to tonight?" I asked as Dimitri's hands came to rest on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I chuckled and spread my legs enough to set myself in his lap, linking my hands behind his neck. I breathed deeply and sighed as the smell of him filled my senses, the overwhelming smell of him, his body wash and cologne tickling my senses.

"Not a whole lot, maybe catch up on some reports. Maybe do a little reading. Are you excited for your family dinner?" he asked, reaching up to stroke my cheek tenderly. I smirked and leaned into him further.

"I'm more nervous than excited. What if I'm not what he thought I was going to be like?" Dimitri shook his head and pecked my lips. It was small and sweet but it immediately made me feel better.

"Rose. He's your father. I think he wants to get to know you, not the idea he has of you," Dimitri stated. I nodded my head and sucked my lip between my teeth, which made him laugh and run his thumb over it to pull it free of its cruel confines. I gave him a smile and pushed against him, making him lean backwards onto the mattress. I shifted around and snuggled into his chest with a happy sigh. I needed this more than I cared to admit.

"How did you know how to put my hair in a bun?"

Dimitri laughed and ran his hand over my back. "I have sisters, remember? When I was little they liked to use me as a guinea pig for learning how to do different hairstyles. I've always had long hair," he said. I could hear the fondness in his voice as he spoke, and I looked up to see a faint smile on his face. I knew that he missed his family and I loved it when he talked about them, especially when he talked about his mother.

He was such a Mama's boy, but it was endearing.

I rested my face in the crook of his neck and sighed while his hands rubbed circles against my body. I could count on one hand how many times we'd been able to be alone since the cabin and I wanted to bask in every moment we had. I pressed my lips against his skin and smirked when he tensed up, a clear sign that he was repressing a shiver. I snickered before squealing when his hands came to rest on my waist, rolling me onto my back as he hovered over me.

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