Chapter 22

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I ducked under the arm and swept my leg out, knocking him down onto his back. Pavel was quick though, and rolled to his feet, lunging at me and knocking me down to the mat. I let go of the barrier in my mind and embraced my power, knocking Pavel back a few feet.

He chuckled humorlessly under his breath as I got back on my feet, my hands coming up to block my face again. We had minimal rule here, we were going for our all except for full headshots. It was fulfilling in a way. I needed this and he was the only person I trusted to do it.

Pavel took the offensive approach, jabbing at my right shoulder before his left leg came out, connecting with my left knee. I buckled and dropped to the ground, Pavel following me and his fist came down over my chest. I groaned and pushed up on my elbows.

"Damn, you kick hard," I moaned as Pavel extended his hand to him, pulling me to my feet. I gingerly put my weight on my left leg and was relieved that I could put full weight on it.

"You put a good fight, and you're getting better at knocking me back mid-fight. You're going to be lethal," Pavel said with a soft smile. I returned the smile as I picked up my stuff, sipping from my water bottle.

"I already am lethal," I chipped making him laugh.

"Yes, you are."

I turned to find Dad a few feet from us in one of his god-awful suits and rolled my eyes. Today's pick with electric blue.

"And I think that you are finally ready."

My eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Dad smirked. "I mean that despite your meltdown, you have learned a lot of control these last few months. I think that come next term, if it's doable, you very well could be Vasilisa's Guardian. You have learned everything that I can teach you."

I dropped my things with an excited squeal, bounding over to Dad and wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled and stumbled back at my unexpected gesture, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the side of my head.

"I'm proud of you," he said.

I squeezed my arms with a smile. "I'm proud of me too."

I pulled away with my smile still on my face just in time for Pavel to try and take my distraction as an advantage. I smirked and placed a mental barrier between us, turning just as he made contact. He ran right into it and bounced back, looking dazed. I snickered and let go of the barrier, extending my hand to his.

"I got you that time," I said, thinking back to all of the surprise attacks he had done in the last few weeks. Pavel laughed and nodded his head, retrieving his dropped backpack and picking it up.

"Alright. We are done for the day," Pavel said, dismissing me. I smirked and gathered my things, bounding for my apartment in search of a hot shower. I climbed the stairs to my level, humming a tune under my breath as I flicked through my keys for the one for my front door. I looked up from my hands and found a pleasant surprise standing at the door next to mine.

"Tasha? I didn't expect you to be back so soon! I thought we weren't going to see you until Christmas Eve," I said as I walked closer to her, a smile crossing my lips. Tasha turned and smiled when she spotted me, opening her arms to hug me. I dropped my bag and returned her hug, but not enough that my sweaty clothes would leave any marks on her clean ones.

"You weren't, but I figured with everything going on, I was needed here. Plus, with the memorial service coming up, I wanted to be here for that too. For Dimitri's family and for you."

I was touched at her candour and picked up my bag again. "I really need a shower, but how about we get coffee. In an hour or so?" I asked.

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