Chapter 21

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I could hear a voice speaking quietly, but I couldn't hear anyone speaking in return. I opened my eyes to the dark and groaned. Shit. They had taken me to a hospital. How the hell was I to explain my injury away? I rolled onto my side, careful not to snag the IV in my hand to find one of my ghost friends. Ivan

"How long have I been here?" I whispered, mindful of the person outside the door. Ivan held up his hand, folding his fingers to make a w. Three hours. Great.

"I tried to follow Dimitri, but he was too far by the time I found you," he said, his voice stronger and clearer. I nodded my head and sat up and ran my hands through my knotted hair. I licked my cracked lips and froze. I could still taste him there.


It was weird hearing another male voice say my name that way. While Olena said it in motherly affection, Dimitri as a pet name, Ivan said it because that was the only thing he really ever heard me called by. I looked over at him again and it looked like he was struggling with something to say.

"I will keep looking for him. We will give his soul peace. I promise," he said, looking down at his hands. I nodded and snapped my head towards the door as it opened, a figure stepping through. One that I knew was going to be pissed off.

"Mom," I said, letting her know that I was awake. She stopped at the end of my bed, gripping the bedrail tightly. She looked like a bomb about to go off. She looked older though, worry etched into her milky features and her curls just a tad bit longer than the last time I saw her. Those curls were dishevelled and I could only assume that was from her running her hands through them.

"I knew something was wrong when you didn't show at your father's. We had plans, remember?"

Thinking back carefully I realized that I did in fact have plans on seeing them. Shit. There goes any idea of continuing this plan. For now.

"You could have died," Mom said thickly, looking up at me with a stonelike expression. I pulled my knees up and rested my chin against them, nodding my head. Mom stood up straight and came around and sat on the edge of my bed, resting her hand on the head. She frowned and leaned forward, kissing my forehead before resting her head against mine.

"What you are trying to do is honourable, but don't follow the same mistakes Mikhail Tanner did. Don't lose yourself and your career over something that may kill you. As much as Dimitri wouldn't want this, he would want you to live your life."

I looked up at her and pinched my brows together, keeping my emotions in check. "He was a lovely man, Rosemarie. And he loved you very much, but he wouldn't want you putting yourself at risk like this."

I nodded and leaned forward, wrapping my arms around her and hugging her tightly. She was quick to respond and cupped the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair affectionately. The motherly affection felt good, it seemed like lately, I sought out a lot of comfort.

But after what happened last night, I wanted comfort. Needed the comfort.

"When can I get out of here?"

Mom pulled back and cleared her throat. "I was waiting for you to wake up. There was discussion amongst the staff as to your peculiar admission. Hopefully, we can slip out without anyone noticing," she said, standing up and placing a bag on the bed. I opened it and was relieved to find clothes. Mom unhooked me from the machines, and I got dressed.

Mom was successful in sneaking me out, along with Ivan's help. Not that she knew about that.

"My mother told me that I need to bring you home soon," Dimitri chuckled, kissing my jaw. I giggled and moulded myself to him and kiss him, cupping his face with my hand.

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