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Students swarmed from the train and onto the boats and carriages that carried us from the station at Hogsmeade up to the school, seemingly unable to get away from the dementor-ridden train fast enough. 

I was caught up in the fray, carried along by the flow of students to a muddy patch where several horseless carriages awaited us. I caught a glimpse of Marcus and wove my way through the crowd towards him, nudging him in the ribs once I'd reached his side.

"Found you," I said breathlessly, and he glanced down at me, his expression steeling.

"What in the bloody hell were you doing with all those Gryffindors?"

I couldn't help but smile at his gruff voice. How I'd missed it.  "Not sure. It all just kind of happened and I went with it."

He pulled me in by the arm to sit next to him in the carriage. Across from us sat Miles Bletchley, our Keeper, and Lucian Bole, one of our Beaters, who both gave me wide smiles and affectionate kicks to the shin.

I hid my wince, kicking them back. 

"Gryffindors, eh?" Miles asked with raised eyebrows. "Sounds like torture."

"The worst ones, too," Marcus interjected before I could respond. "The Weasels and that lot."

Lucian made wretching sounds, and I laughed lightly. "They weren't too bad. Shared some of their sweets."

"Careful, Doyle, don't forget they're the enemy." Miles's tone was sharp.

"I haven't forgotten." I gave a wry smile. "Have you seen Graham?"

"Montague's on the carriage ahead of us," said Lucian, wiggling his eyebrows. "He got caught up with the sixth-year ladies."

"Lucky bloke," muttered Marcus.

I snorted, turning to look out the window to where the looming towers of Hogwarts awaited our arrival. Two dementors floated just outside the school's gates, and I let my eyes linger on them as we passed, trying to ignore the sudden cold that seemed to radiate from their very being.

* * * * * *

The Great Hall was abuzz with excitement and animated greetings as we shuffled in and settled at our respective tables, the ceiling above us bewitched to emulate the star-speckled sky.

I stayed close to Marcus's side as we navigated to our table. Draco and Lucian sat across from us, and I looked up as Graham Montague settled into the spot next to me, wrapping me in a suffocating hug.

"Alright, Doyle?" he asked, a smile in his muffled voice.

"How was your carriage ride, Montague?" Lucian asked with a pointed grin, sweeping his gaze over the group of sixth-year girls who had settled on Graham's other side.

"Quite lovely, Bole, thank you for asking. I had wonderful company." He released me and shot a wink at the girls, who giggled.

Graham met my gaze, fighting a smile, and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. With pale blue eyes and smooth chocolate brown curls, my friend was constantly tailed by girls from all years and houses. He was effortlessly charming and undeniably impressive on the Quidditch pitch—most girls, and many boys, for that matter, didn't stand a chance. Luckily, I knew him too well to be swayed by his good looks and dazzling smile.

"We missed you on the train," he said after a moment.

"I got caught up," I didn't feel like explaining everything again. "Good summer?"

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