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For days after the kiss, I felt as if I were walking on clouds.

Jamie quickly picked up on my unusually-giddy behaviour, and although I knew she suspected something had happened, she didn't press for information as I had expected her to.

Pansy, on the other hand, was relentless. 

"It's a boy, isn't it?" She grinned widely when I didn't say no. "You have to tell us who, we'll find out eventually anyway!"

I just gave her a wry smile and turned back to the textbook in my lap, humming softly to myself. Catarina sat cross-legged on her bed, trying to study and looking rather tempted to cast a silencing charm on Pansy.

"Mackie!" Pansy snatched the book away from me. "Tell me!"

"Is it Draco?" Jamie asked mischievously, glancing at Pansy.

Catarina coughed to cover her laugh as Pansy's face went white. "It better not have been. Mackenzie Doyle, if it was Draco, I swear to Merlin—"

"It wasn't Draco," I assured her with a laugh. "We look too much like siblings, people would talk."

Pansy's shoulders slumped with relief as Jamie howled with laughter.

"Then who is it?  Miles?" Pansy pressed again, once she had recovered.

I made pointed eye contact with Jamie. "I wonder what's for dinner tonight?"

* * * * * *

The first Triwizard task came and went like a flash of lightning.

We had gathered in the arena to watch the four champions take on their first task—dragons—and cheered for our respective favourites. Hogwarts's double-champion situation had divided the student body. Most cheered for Cedric, including the Slytherins, who had taken it upon themselves to be exceedingly anti-Potter. I had allowed Pansy to pin a 'Potter stinks' pin to my robes with a wry smile.

Most of Potter's supporters were Gryffindors. I caught Fred frowning at the button on my robes, and I gave him an understanding look, pulling it off and pocketing it.

Now we were returning to the castle, the first task behind us.

"Diggory nearly got his face burnt off," Miles remarked.

"But he made it!" Jamie countered. "And using transfiguration as a distraction—how smart!"

"I thought Potter's move was pretty brilliant," I interjected, earning groans from the others. "I mean, I wouldn't have thought of summoning my broom!"

"Trust Doyle to cheer for the Gryffindor," Miles teased.

"I'm not 'cheering' for anyone, really. So long as it's a Hogwarts champion, I don't mind who wins." I thought that over. "Or Krum."

"So, really, anyone but Fleur Delacour?" Lucian raised his eyebrows.

I winced, laughing lightly. "Guess so."


"Mackie!" A call came from behind us. Ginny Weasley was hurrying her way up the steps.

My friends let out a collective groan and walked ahead as I paused, allowing the younger girl to catch up.

"Hi, Ginny," I gave her a warm smile.

"Thanks for waiting." She was a bit breathless, and I slowed my pace even more to allow her to recover. "I have a question for you."

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