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The Yule Ball was hours away.

I held pins in my teeth as I adjusted Jamie's dress for her, the long black gown hugging her body perfectly in every way. The bodice had silver beading that ran delicately down her chest and around her waist, the silky bottom hem flowing around her feet as if untouched by gravity.

"It's unfair how fit you look," I observed through the pins in my mouth, plucking one out to adjust the straps—the neckline was just a touch too low.

"Thank you," she said, absolutely glowing. She had twisted her dark hair up into a regal updo, a silver pin contrasting nicely with her ebony locks while also matching her dress.

"Lucian won't know what hit him." I adjusted the other strap, making sure they were even.

She giggled softly, watching me work. I pulled out my wand and muttered a spell, securing the adjustments with black thread that disappeared into the fabric of her dress, the alteration unnoticeable.

"There." I took a step back to give her one last look-over. She was the portrait of perfection.

"Put yours on!" Jamie pulled out her makeup box and flipped open her mirror. "I want to see!"

I turned to face the burgundy gown draped over my bed, its silky material shimmering in the low light. With somewhat shaky hands I slipped it on, knowing it probably cost more money than I'd ever seen in my life. The skirt pooled around my feet, the material soft against my skin as I looked in the mirror. I pulled at the thin straps a little uncomfortably—the neck was already a bit low, but I felt exposed by the deeper plunge towards the center. I picked up my pins again and set to work.

"Miles asked me to the ball yesterday," I started casually, trying to decide how much of an adjustment I wanted to make.

Jamie looked up sharply. "Did he? What did you say?"

"I said no, of course." I landed on my desired length and stuck a pin in, careful not to prick myself.

"Obviously, but did you tell him why?"

"I told him I'd already been asked. He seemed really put out. I think he had sort of assumed we would go together."

"Serves him right, though, waiting until the day before the ball," Jamie scoffed.

"I felt awful. I hope he found someone to go with." I adjusted the other strap and pulled out my wand to make the adjustment final.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Jamie said dismissively, her jaw dropping as I turned to present the dress to her. "You look incredible!"

"Yeah?" I laughed lightly, turning back to the mirror. "It's not too... too much?"

"Not at all." Jamie moved to stand beside me in the mirror, her dark eyes sweeping over me.  "That colour is wonderful on you, Mack."

"Thank you." I felt my cheeks warm a bit. "I never wear red."

"Well, you should start," she laughed, playing with the ends of my hair. "What are you going to do with your hair?"

"What do you think?"

"Down, but curl it a bit." Jamie squinted at me. "Sit down, I'll do it for you."

I let out a small sigh of relief as I perched on the edge of Jamie's bed and she set to work.

"Honestly, Mackie, that colour on you is unreal." She observed as she pushed a pin into my hair. "It goes with your skin tone, your hair... Maybe I should have chosen that one."

I laughed and gave her a playful shove. "It's too late!"

"Take it off!" she giggled. "I want to trade!"

Before the Dawn | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now