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I stole away from Jamie and Pansy the next day at Hogsmeade and entered the Three Broomsticks. Remus was nowhere to be seen. I ordered a butterbeer and sat at a table in the back, watching as a rowdy group of Gryffindors walked in and sat at the largest table.

Then Tonks walked in, spotting me quickly and moving to sit beside me, her hair a rather pleasant shade of blue.

"Where's Remus?" I whispered.

"He couldn't make it," Tonks whispered back. "Sorry. But I came here in his place."

I eyed her, a bit thrown off, and suddenly rather suspicious. "Before I tell you anything, what floor of the McDowell mansion was I staying on the night you came to get me?"

Tonks grinned. "You're a sharp one. It's a good idea to check. Third."

I nodded, relaxing somewhat. "Right. Well, it's not a lot to go off of, but Draco told me something rather odd lately."

Tonks nodded, her expression suddenly serious. "Go on."

"He was talking about the Room of Requirement, and how it's a storage room, but he seemed especially interested in a specific cabinet." I recounted the story of Graham's mishap, making a mental note to confront George about cramming my friend into a cabinet when I next saw him. "It just seemed strange to me that he'd take so much interest in it, unless it were of some use to him."

Tonks looked away, deep in thought.

"Do you think it's something?" I asked hesitantly. "Or am I just mad?"

"I don't think you're mad, Mackie, and you were right to tell me about this," Tonks spoke sincerely, and I felt myself relax even more. "I'll ask around in the Order and see if anyone knows anything about it."

"That's all I have, I'm afraid, but I'll keep trying."

Tonks gave me a kind smile. "I know you will."

* * * * * *

Our final D.A. meeting before the Christmas break drew to a close. Harry proudly commended us on our progress, encouraging us to practise over the break if we could.

"Reckon we can practise a bit on Mum?" I overheard Fred murmur in George's ear.

George snorted. "We can say Harry told us to."

As the students filtered out of the Room of Requirement, Hermione caught up with me.

"Any plans for Christmas, then?"

I glanced over at George, who was still snickering with his brother. "Actually, I think I'll be going to the Burrow."

She followed my gaze. "So, you two really are back together?"

"We were never broken up," I laughed softly. "I can fill you in later. I know how it must look."

"Please do." She smiled. "Ron's been trying to make sense of it and I think it's starting to drive him a bit mad. Not to mention the other Gryffindor girls can't seem to figure out why George won't go out with anyone."

My shoulders stiffened. "Oh?"

Hermione gave a small laugh. "Some of them were sore when they found out he was dating a Slytherin—which is stupid and narrow-minded, of course—but then the news spread that you two had split up, and it was suddenly unbearable in the girls' dormitory. George this, and George that. Truly, Mackie, it was incessant."

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