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Harry didn't turn up again for another three months.

The Order began holding meetings at my villa after I cast a shield spell to disguise it as an old barn. The Weasleys still couldn't leave their house, being under strict surveillance, but the others showed up, and it felt nice to be of some use.

Part of me selfishly hoped they would try and escape, so that I could see George. I knew he likely wouldn't want to talk to me, would probably keep his distance, but it had been nearly eight months since I'd seen his face, and I ached to see him. 

That would be enough, I thought to myself as I took a long hit from my flask. Just to see him would be enough.

I hadn't seen Miles since he left three months prior, either. He, along with Greyback, were accompanying a group of Snatchers on a hunt for a very specific caravan of people: Muggle-borns Dirk Cresswell and Dean Thomas, goblins Griphook and Gornuk, and none other than Ted Tonks, who had been identified as both a Muggle-born and a known ally of the Order, and had been forced to go on the run. The group had proved to be quite evasive, and I was beginning to wonder if Miles's troupe would ever catch them.

Then, one day as I was leaving Malfoy Manor, Miles passed through the front gates, covered in blood and dragging an unconscious Dean. He was followed by the rest of the Snatchers, who brought in a thrashing Griphook.

Wide-eyed, I followed them back inside to the parlour. Once they'd put Dean and Griphook in the cellar, I took Miles's arm pulled him aside. I raised my wand and cleared some of the blood from his face, revealing his dull eyes and weary expression.

"What happened?" I asked softly, picking a leaf from his ebony curls.

His voice was gruff. "We found them."

"Whose blood is this?"

"Not mine," he grunted. "Probably that Tonks bloke's."

My heart sank. "Ted Tonks?"

"Yeah, they put up a real fight. Big mess. These two are the only ones who survived."

I used my sleeve to wipe some dirt from his jaw. "You look exhausted."

"I feel like I could sleep for a week," he admitted, then gave a small smile. "But it's good to see your pretty face again. I'd hug you, but I'm still covered in blood and muck."

I shook my head at him. "Go clean up and get some rest."

He nodded, pressing a kiss to my lips before drawing his wand and departing.

I watched the spot where he'd disappeared, feeling rather sick. Someone was going to have to tell Tonks that her father had been killed, and it was likely going to be me.

Then heavy footsteps climbed the front steps. A new group of Snatchers burst into the house, carrying with them three new hostages. My heart stopped as I recognised Hermione among them.

"We've got Potter!" the lead Snatcher, Scabior, announced. "We've got him!"

The room fell silent for a moment, then burst into chaos.

"HARRY POTTER?" screamed Bellatrix.

"Get Draco!" Narcissa cried, her dark eyes wide.

I flattened myself against the wall, my heart pounding. If Harry was caught, if we had him, then this was the end of the road. If we had Harry, all was lost.

Draco entered the room, his face white. He cast a glance at me as he passed, and I gave the tiniest shake of my head, urging him not to say anything. But then he looked away, and my heart sank.

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