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Leaving Hogwarts was one of the hardest things I'd ever done.

Jamie and I walked through the halls one final time, revisiting our old stomping grounds and retelling stories we'd already told many times over, the realisation that we were finally leaving hitting us both harder than expected.

Goodbyes stuck in my throat as I gave each of my friends tight hugs, the students who still had years ahead of them seeming especially distraught at my departure.

Adrian had tears in his eyes as I embraced him, and he kept clearing his throat loudly. 

"Thank you for taking a chance on me." His voice was a bit ragged.

"One of the best decisions I've ever made," I assured him, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "Keep an eye on the team for me next year, will you?"

He nodded, clearing his throat once more.

"It's not like we're never going to see each other again," I reminded him softly.

Adrian nodded again, his dark eyes darting around the room. "I know."

"Write me if you need anything." I reached up and ruffled his copper hair. "Anything at all."

Cassius seemed more in-control of his emotions, but his voice shook. "Guess I'll be seeing you, then."

"I'll be seeing you," I confirmed. "Keep working on that hook shot, alright? You've nearly got it."

"I will, promise."

Annie's face was wet with tears, her small frame shaking as she hugged me fiercely. "Don't go." 

I pressed a kiss into her dark curls, laughing softly. "I don't think they'll let me stay."

She held me tighter.

The walk down to the Hogsmeade train station was quiet. Jamie and Miles flanked me on either side, none of us feeling particularly talkative. I stopped dead at the sight of the Hogwarts Express, watching steam drifting lazily through the air.

Miles glanced over his shoulder at me, a knowing look on his face. The moment I met his dark gaze a lump formed in my throat, and my mouth opened and closed, unable to find the words to explain what I was feeling.

There was no need to explain, however—Miles doubled back and wrapped his arms around me the moment I burst into tears. I clung to him, pressing my face into his shirt.

I didn't want to go. This was my home. This was all I'd ever known, everything that had ever mattered to me. I didn't want to go. Once I left, once the train departed Hogsmeade station for the last time, things would never be the same—I could never go back to the way things were.

"It's alright, Doyle," Miles murmured. "It's alright."

I took a couple deep breaths, feeling a bit foolish for the blatant display but overwhelmed by the realisation that this was it. It was over.

I followed Miles and Jamie onto the train and into a compartment, my heart lurching as the train whistled and jerked into motion. I watched through the window as the Hogwarts castle grew smaller in the distance and then finally disappeared, feeling numb.

Seven years of my life at that castle, gone in an instant.

I felt hot tears run down my face once more, my lower lip quivering. Miles put his arm around me and I leaned my head onto his shoulder, my eyes trained on the floor of the compartment.

* * * * * *

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