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Once Tonks had stitched up the gash across my cheekbone and I was feeling a bit stronger, I ventured downstairs, passing Jamie's old bedroom, where Remus was holding Tonks as she cried into his shirt.

Everyone else was gathered in the kitchen, speaking in low voices.

"He tortured her, Fred, you can't just go charging up there. She needs rest."

"She looked half-dead, Dad! George is right, something's wrong."

"You have to remember, You-Know-Who is no ordinary wizard—"

"Of course, I know that, I'm not stupid—"

"—And he was angry that Harry escaped! The curse he used on her was probably twice the strength of your average Cruciatus."

I almost crashed into Molly as I stepped into the kitchen. She was holding a tray with a bowl of soup.

"Mackie, dear! I was just going to bring this upstairs to you."

"No need, Molly," I said kindly. "I can eat down here."

"Let's get you settled in the dining room, then, shall we?"

I followed her into the next room, sinking into one of the wooden chairs. Molly eyed me for a moment, and I began to wonder just how terrible I really looked. Half-dead, apparently.

Fred appeared in the doorway, then, and moved to take the seat next to me.

"How're you feeling?" he asked.

"Not great," I admitted, trying a smile and nearly managing it. I tried a bit of soup, feeling the heat seep into my bones. "Where's the other one, then?"

"George? Oh, he's... er, he's moping in our room still, I reckon."

"Why?" I took another bite of soup.

Fred hesitated. "He and Remus sort of got into it, after you showed up."

"About what?"

He gave me a dry look. "You're a smart girl, Doylie, I'm sure you must have some idea."

I looked down into my soup, suddenly not hungry anymore.

"You should go talk to him," Fred suggested.

"No, I shouldn't," I snapped. "It's not fair to him."

"What, that his ex-girlfriend and current top Death Eater who is dating another Death Eater wants to drop in and say hello?"


"How is Bletchley, then?" asked Fred teasingly, resting his head on his hand. "I almost miss the chap."

I was reminded, then, that Miles had been the one to kill Ted Tonks, that he had returned to Malfoy Manor covered in the man's blood, and I suddenly felt as if I might be sick.

"I'm going back to bed," I muttered, pushing the bowl of soup away from me. As I stood, the room seemed to sway around me and black crowded my vision.

"Whoa, easy there, Doylie," said Fred cautiously, rising from his chair and taking a step towards me.

I blinked, trying to clear my head, but was overcome by a wave of exhaustion, and my knees buckled beneath me.

Fred lunged to catch me before I could hit the floor, holding me against his chest with one hand and cradling my head with the other.

"Little help here?" he called, his voice tense.

There was the sound of running footsteps against the wooden floors.

"What happened?" Arthur demanded, helping his son pull me back to my feet.

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