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The announcement of the Yule Ball sent a ripple of excitement through the school.

I sat on my bed, listening to Jamie and Pansy talk over each other about their plans, both rather stressed.

"Lucian will ask me, of course," Jamie dismissed. "But how to pick a dress! Mum said she would send over a few to choose from, but what if I don't like any of them?"

"What if Draco doesn't ask me?" Pansy fretted. "Who will I go with? There's no one else worth going with!"

"Your mother has excellent taste, as I recall," I spoke to Jamie first. "I'm sure she'll pick out dresses that are absolutely lovely. Besides, if you want alterations, I have my sewing kit." 

I laughed as Jamie flew to my bed and wrapped me in a tight hug, murmuring thank-yous into my shoulder.

"And as for Draco," I turned to Pansy. "If he doesn't ask you, then he's a dimwit and you deserve better anyways. If he doesn't get his act together soon, you should consider finding someone who appreciates you for the witch you are."

Pansy nodded, absorbing my every word as if I were preaching a sermon. She perched on the edge of my bed, watching me intently.

"And," I added, a little hesitantly. "You could always ask him."

"No, I can't!" Pansy's eyes were wide. "That's backwards! That's not how it goes!"

I shrugged, having expected that response. "Up to you, Pans."

"Who do you think will ask you?" Jamie looked up, her arms still tightly around me. 

"I say Derrick," Pansy declared, perching on the edge of my bed.

"Peregrine?" I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice.

"Yeah, didn't you two snog at a party a couple of years ago?"

"Yeah, Pans, a couple of years ago." I gave her a wry smile.

"My money's on Miles," Jamie said. "You two have always been close. It just makes sense."

I smiled down at my lap, gathering my courage. "Actually, there's someone else I'm hoping will ask me."

"Who?" Pansy was practically on top of me at this point, her eyes wide.

I drew a deep breath, looking between my two friends. "George Weasley."

Jamie withdrew her arms from around me, leaning back to give me a look of disbelief. "A Gryffindor?"

"And a Weasel, at that!" Pansy cried, springing to her feet.

"Don't call him that," I said sharply.

Pansy and Jamie exchanged a long look. Then Jamie sighed. "Well, I suppose if that's what you really want, Mackie, then I hope he asks you, too."

I looked to my friend, feeling as if I might cry with relief. "Thank you."

Jamie gave me a tight smile and patted my leg. I looked to Pansy, who still wore the same expression of disdain. She turned away without another word.

Jamie gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

* * * * * *

I passed some of the first Yule Ball proposals on my way to the library that evening, the number of snogging couples astonishingly high as I walked through the halls.

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