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Weeks passed.

As Christmas approached, I began to feel sadness creeping in. I spent my days learning as many spells as I could from anyone who was willing to teach me, exhausting Dolohov's extensive knowledge and being forced to look elsewhere for new teachers.

My nineteenth birthday had come and passed. I'd received a letter from Graham wishing me a happy birthday, and Miles had bought me an emerald bracelet that I'd insisted was much too expensive but wore anyway, but that had been the extent of the festivities. I hadn't felt up to doing anything—a birthday party in the midst of everything that was going on seemed wrong.

Bellatrix had rather taken a liking to me following our mission together, and so I found myself spending quite a bit of time with her, easing the general anxiety I usually felt just by being near her. She was surprisingly knowledgeable, and while she wasn't a good teacher by any means, I could usually pick up anything she tried to teach me on my own.

On nights where we weren't given assignments, Miles, Lucian, and I would take to the skies, flying until our faces grew numb from the cold; Miles would usually be the first to turn back, as being a Keeper hadn't given him much endurance, but Lucian and I could fly for hours.

Jamie had warmed up to me once more; Miles came to visit quite often, and the sight of us together always brought a smile to her face. I'd grown used to Miles being my boyfriend in time. He was so different from what I was used to—gentle he was not, and his jokes didn't always land—but he absolutely doted on me, that much was clear, and so I leaned into whatever it was.

Now, sitting in front of the fireplace with a week until Christmas, Miles's arms around me and a hot cup of tea in my hands, I felt alright.

My visit to Grimmauld Street the day before had been rather disappointing; I hadn't heard from Draco lately, so I had nothing to report, and by the sounds of it the Order had asked Severus to step in and find out what he was up to. That news made my skin prickle with shame; I hadn't done enough, and so they were having to find someone else could do the job they'd entrusted me with.

I'd made the mistake of sitting across from the twins at the meeting. George didn't look at me the entire time, but I caught Fred glaring daggers at me more than once.

Miles kissed my cheek, pulling me from my thoughts, and I turned my head, forcing a smile as he pressed his lips to mine.

"What're your plans for Christmas?" he asked. "Want to come to my parents' place?"

"Not sure yet," I admitted. "Jamie invited me to spend it with her family, too."

"Ah, that Jamie," Miles sighed dramatically. "She's my greatest competition."

I laughed and kissed him again, hoping to stall that conversation. I had been hoping to spend Christmas at Grimmauld Place, knowing full well how slim the odds of that happening were—and what a bad idea it truly was—but I still didn't want commit to anything else quite yet.

I set my tea aside and crawled into his lap, his hands gripping my sides as he kissed down my throat to my collarbone. I pushed my fingers through his thick dark hair and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips on my skin.

"Miles," I breathed. "Upstairs."

Miles stood, then, his hands under my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his torso, my arms around his neck, and giggled as he climbed the stairs and carried me to my bedroom, where he kicked the door closed behind him.

* * * * * *

Before the Dawn | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now