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Once I'd settled in and my trunk had been taken upstairs to a bedroom I would be sharing with Ginny and Hermione, I was summoned back downstairs to the kitchen.

"Miss Doyle, have a seat," said Sirius, seemingly attempting to look extra-friendly.

"Mackie is fine, thank you," I replied politely, pulling out a chair and settling into it. 

George took the seat next to me, knocking his knee against mine. My eyes drifted over the dark spot I'd left on his neck, my face burning a bit as I realised just how visible it was. 

Luckily, no one mentioned it.

"George, I think it would be best if we spoke to Mackie alone this time," said Remus with a glance at the boy next to me.

"Respectfully, Lupin, I disagree," George said loftily. "Since I'm the reason she's here, I think it's best if I stay."

"It wasn't a suggestion, George." Arthur's voice was firm. "Upstairs. Now."

George turned to me with a question in his expression, his golden eyes assuring me that he would fight to stay if I wanted him to. I gave him a reassuring nod and squeezed his hand. I knew he'd be listening in from upstairs with one of the Expendable Ear contraptions he'd shown me, anyway.

Once he'd disapparated away, I turned my gaze on the others at the table – so far, it was Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur, Tonks, and Moody.

"Just waiting on one more," Moody said gruffly, his eye whizzing in its socket. "But he's just arrived."

The door opened, revealing none other than Professor Snape.

"Professor!" I squeaked in shock.

"Miss Doyle," he replied calmly, taking a seat at the end of the table. I watched him with alarm rising in my chest – if he was here, then anything we discussed could be passed directly on to the Death Eaters.

"Mackie," Sirius said softly, drawing my attention. "We've summoned you here to ask something rather important of you. Snape here—" He flashed an unfriendly glance in the direction of Professor Snape. "—has confirmed that the Dark Lord has, in fact, returned, and we know he is attempting to expand his forces as we speak."

I looked over at Snape, who fixed me with an even stare.

"One of Voldemort's most notorious and trusted followers is someone you know," Sirius continued.

"Mr. Malfoy," I murmured, forcing myself not to flinch at the Dark Lord's name, and Sirius nodded.

"Lucius Malfoy is not only a top proponent of Voldemort's, but we expect he will be quite involved in the recruiting process of bringing in new Death Eaters."

"You and the Malfoy boy are rather close, are you not?" Moody spoke now, his sharp voice in great contrast to Sirius's soft tone.

"I-I... Well, I suppose we're friends." I paused. "What I mean to say is we play Quidditch together. And I'm sort of friends with his girlfriend." 

I thought of Pansy, wondering if I really even considered her a friend anymore.

"Miss Doyle has been appointed Slytherin Quidditch Captain this upcoming school year at my special request," Snape interjected smoothly. "So I suspect she and Draco will be spending quite a bit of time together."

"What we're asking you to do here is simply befriend the boy," said Remus. "Allow him to grow to trust you, feel as if he can confide in you."

I nodded, putting the pieces together. "And report back if he lets anything slip."

Before the Dawn | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now