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The train ride to Hogwarts felt even longer than usual that year. I sat in a compartment with Jamie, Miles, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise Zabini, a friend of Draco's.

Pansy and Draco had been named Prefects that year, and they both looked all too happy about it. Jamie seemed miserable the entire time, probably missing Lucian already. I made small talk with Blaise, trying to hide my disappointment at not sitting with George this year.

I had started to follow George into his compartment, but he had stopped in the doorway and halfheartedly reminded me of my task for the year, and so I reluctantly left to track down the familiar blonde-haired boy.

"Doyle," Draco's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "My father tells me you're our Quidditch Captain this year."

"Indeed I am," I said with a smile. "And quite looking forward to it."

"You'll need to find almost an entirely new team." Draco smirked. "I know for a fact that both Crabbe and Goyle plan on trying out."

"That so?" I raised my eyebrows, having never considered either of Draco's friends to be particularly athletic.

"So there's your Beaters sorted. Now you just need a pair of Chasers."

I exchanged a glance with Miles.

"Hang on," Jamie interjected, looking between Draco and me. "I reckon Mackie will want to hold a full try-out practice, and will choose the new players herself."

Draco cast a sour glance in her direction. "Look who's a Quidditch expert all of a sudden."

"Jamie's right," I cut in sharply. "I will be holding a full try-out. If Crabbe and Goyle prove themselves worthy of being on the team, I have no problem bringing them on."

Draco and Jamie fell silent, the both of them irritated. The compartment fell silent.

"Gryffindor will need a new Keeper this year," I remarked, trying to ease the tension. "Losing Wood will be a pretty hard hit, I reckon."

"Who's their new Captain?" Blaise asked.

"Angelina Johnson, I've heard," said Miles.

Draco snorted. "Johnson. An idiotic choice."

"Why do you say that?" I asked, genuinely curious. Angelina had seemed like the obvious choice to me.

"She's weak, constantly complaining about the rules instead of playing the game. Besides, can you remember the last match against us where she managed to actually stay on her broom?"

I raised my eyebrows at his words, but before I could respond, Draco carried on.

"I guess when you look at their team, though, the choices are limited. Who else would they choose? Potter?"

Blaise snorted.

Draco cast him a smug look. "Or one of the Weasels? Now that would be an embarrassment, even worse than Johnson, if you ask me."

I pressed my lips together, fighting to keep the anger off my face. I didn't recall Draco ever being this nasty before, and I rather didn't care for it. Jamie gave my hand a small squeeze, her expression stony.

"Malfoy," said Miles, a note of warning in his voice. "Leave them out of this."

I felt a pleasant twinge of surprise—Miles had always made how he felt about the Weasleys quite clear, and I hadn't expected him to jump to their defence. I shot him a grateful look, but he just shrugged and glanced away.

"Oh, I forgot," Draco looked over at me now. "You rather like those Weasels, don't you, Doyle?"

"Careful, Draco," Jamie said coolly. "Your spot isn't guaranteed on the team this year. Mackie could just as easily find a new Seeker."

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