Author's Note

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They say it's a marathon and not a sprint, but writing this felt like sprinting a marathon.

Why did I write this, you ask? Or maybe you don't care. I'll answer anyway.

There are a few things that come to mind:

First, it has always bothered me how (in the movie, at least) Slytherin students were treated like criminals as the castle prepared for the battle, everyone assuming that they would choose to fight alongside the Death Eaters. Wanted to address that.

Second, Fred dying? Not on my watch.

Third, this series helped raise me. Despite the recent, uh, situation with JKR, it still manages to hold a certain magic for me, and I think the hard work of all the filmmakers, actors, book editors, and every single other person involved helped achieve that. I think it can still be celebrated because of them. At least, I hope so.

Fourth, the Phelps twins are adorable.

I think that's it. I hope you enjoyed this little story. It's longer, word-count-wise, than Allegiance, although I think it might have actually taken less time to write. Like I said, sprinting a marathon.

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented, and encouraged me along the way. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you guys mean the world to me.

Much, much love.


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