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About a month later we'd received no word on whether or not the team of Aurors had been able to find a suspect in Crouch's murder, most of us assuming they hadn't been able to find anything.

I sat at a table in the courtyard with Fred and George, who were enthusiastically discussing an idea for a sweet that would make you vomit, thus providing a quick escape from any unpleasant situation or boring class. I scanned over my Potions textbook, trying to make sense of the latest chapter while also enjoying the new warmer weather and the company of my two favourite boys.

"Here, eat this." George handed me what looked like a toffee.

In my distracted state, I took the toffee without question and popped it in my mouth. When the taste wasn't as I expected, I froze with horror. 

"What did you just give me?"

Fred was watching me closely. "Wait and see."

"I don't want to wait and see." I looked between the twins, feeling trapped under their intense golden stares. "George, what did you give me?"

"Nothing permanent." George frowned, squinting a bit.

"George Weasley, I swear to—" I broke off as I felt my face burn. Not my whole face, really, just around my mouth. After a couple heartbeats, the burning stopped.

"Wicked," the brothers said in unison.

"What—" I raised a hand to my face, running my fingers over my skin, then stopping as my fingers brushed what felt like... fur? I reached in my bookbag and dug out a small compact mirror, flipping it open and feeling my blood freeze in my veins. "Is that a MOUSTACHE?"

"Rather good one, too, better than anything we've seen Percy grow on his own—" Fred started, but I silenced him with a fiery glare.

"Get rid of it." 

Fred and George exchanged a glance, and my eyes widened. "I thought you said it wasn't permanent!"

"It's not," George reassured me.

"Nothing a quick shave can't fix," Fred added.

"I have to shave it off?"

They nodded. 

"It won't grow back, promise," said George.

"But..." My heart sank. "I have to walk all the way back to the Slytherin common room like this?"

"If it helps, you look quite handsome," Fred offered.

"It doesn't help, Fred," I snapped, cramming my books into my bag with a huff. I turned to George, who was smiling at me. "What?"

He leaned across and kissed me, then sat back, still wearing that irritatingly adorable smile. "Sorry."

I stood, annoyed that his simple apology had softened my heart. As I walked away, holding a hand over my mouth and nose, I heard them speaking in low voices.

"What was that about?" asked Fred.

"Well, it wasn't very nice," said George. "But also I've always wondered what it would feel like to kiss someone with a moustache."



* * * * * *

I met with Hermione one afternoon in the Charms classroom, waiting until the previous class had cleared out before stepping inside.

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