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Up in my dormitory, the others had already begun to settle in—Jamie McDowell, my best friend since first year, as well as Pansy Parkinson and Catarina Wellington, our roommates.

Pansy was a third-year yet but housed with us after our original dormmate contracted dragon pox and dropped out of Hogwarts. I reckon Pansy saw the opportunity for a social ascension and decided rooming with older students could get her a leg up on the other third-years. I didn't mind having the younger girl around—irritating as she was sometimes, we could count on her to keep us updated on all of the latest gossip, and Jamie and I loved a good rumour every now and then.

Catarina was exceedingly quiet and kept to herself. Most of her friends were in Hufflepuff, and she never seemed interested in making friends with those of us in her own house. We let her do whatever she liked, as she was a respectful roommate and sometimes agreed to do my Potions homework in exchange for help with Charms.

I opened my trunk and began unpacking as well, tossing my pillow from home onto my bed.

A sweet scent wafted through the air, and I looked up. "What is that? It smells incredible."

"It's a new perfume that Lucian gave me," Jamie McDowell answered with a little wiggle of excitement. "He's been buying me presents nonstop lately."

She spritzed the perfume into the air again and its sweet smell hit me harder this time, like a punch in the nose. I sneezed, then sneezed again.

"It's lovely," I choked out, trying to sound sincere. She offered me a spritz, but I waved my hand to stop her. "Maybe later."

"You and Lucian are so cute," Pansy Parkinson sighed, spreading a blanket over her bed.

"We're going to get married someday, I just know it." Jamie boasted. "He's practically already asked, but I said no because we're too young."

I smiled to myself. Lucian and Jamie were deeply, deeply in love.

"Draco's been sweet-talking me a lot lately," Pansy said, almost defensively.

I coughed to cover the laugh that escaped me, and exchanged a glance with Catarina, who rolled her eyes. Pansy had been in love with Draco from the minute she first set eyes on him in their first year, and had been chasing after him ever since. He seemingly tolerated her, but showed little interest otherwise.

"Maybe he'll ask you out, and then we can go on a double-date!" Jamie suggested, and Pansy squealed.

I could feel their eyes on me, then, and I internally begged them not to start. It was, of course, in vain.

"How about you, Mackie? Anyone caught your eye this year?" Jamie asked.

"You and Graham seem awfully close." Pansy added with a sneaky smile.

I gave her a dry smile. "He's a seventh-year."

"Yes, we know!" Pansy laughed.

"Nab him and you'd be a legend," Jamie said, a teasing edge to her voice. She knew very well I wasn't interested in Graham.

"Besides," Pansy pressed. "You're the only girl he pays any attention to, even though he could date any girl he likes."

"Thanks, Pans," I said dryly, not sure if I should be offended.

"She's not wrong," Catarina admitted. "That boy is wicked fit, Mack."

"He is," I laughed. "And he knows it. But we're just friends."

"Maybe put in a good word for the rest of us, then?" Catarina sighed.

I chuckled. "You've got quite a bit of competition, Cat."

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