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Three days had passed since the wedding.

Harry and Hermione were on the run. Ron was apparently home sick with a nasty case of Spattergroit; somehow I knew that wasn't true, just a cover, and he was with the other two.

The fall of the Ministry had given the Death Eaters a vast reach of power. Having the new Minister, Pius Thicknesse, under our control allowed for nearly unlimited access to Ministry resources, and the new regime had wasted no time in establishing a new commission to round up and imprison Muggle-borns.

Harry's escape from the wedding had launched an all-out manhunt; everywhere you looked, there were wanted posters with his face on them. Luckily I had been able to escape without being seen, although I confronted Severus about it the first opportunity I got.

"Why wasn't I informed of the attack?" I snapped, pulling him into a side room and sealing it with a soundproofing charm. "I was at that wedding! I could've been caught!"

"The attack wasn't planned. We learned Potter's location while Scrimgeour was under the Cruciatus Curse, and sent forces immediately," he said in a low voice, then his tone grew sharp. "And if you were at the wedding, it is your own foolishness that almost got you caught and nothing else."

"But I wasn't even told about the Ministry invasion!" I shouted. "Why? I should have been there!"

"The Dark Lord owes you nothing." Snape's expression was full of disdain, and it made my blood boil. "You may think you've established yourself here, Miss Doyle, but never assume that you are entitled to anything."

With that, he left. Anger surged through my veins, a few curses flitting through my mind as I watched him go.

Two days later I learned that the Ministry had asserted control over Hogwarts and had appointed Severus as the new headmaster, who immediately brought both of the Carrows onto his staff.

I was among the Death Eaters sent to search the Hogwarts Express for Harry, even though I knew deep down he wouldn't be there. He was far too smart to try and return to Hogwarts for his final year of school, not when Voldemort was so desperate to find him.

But still I walked down the center aisle of the train, searching every compartment I passed. Familiar faces stared back at me with a variety of expressions, mostly confusion—Seamus, Cassius, Ginny. I held each of their stares evenly, my face carefully neutral as I sought out Potter.

"Doyle, what're—" Adrian broke off as he realised who I was with and what I was doing. He sat back, looking a bit dazed as I scanned his compartment and then moved on without another word.

Annie stumbled to the doorway of her compartment, watching me with hurt on her face as I strode down the aisle. I avoided meeting her gaze as I passed.

We left the train empty-handed.

* * * * * *

Once we'd reported back, I apparated to Jamie's villa, pulling off my dark cloak and stuffing it into my bookbag. She was sitting in the kitchen, eyes red and puffy.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked softly.

"I-I think I'm going to move back to my parents' house," she said. "It'll be safer there, I think, with everything that's going on."

"Jamie, you're a pureblood. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"But I think I'm going to anyway," she said quietly. "There have been all kinds of attacks."

Before the Dawn | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now