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Three days of classes remained between that night and the Christmas Break.

I found myself unable to concentrate on anything, constantly worried about Arthur and desperate for an update on his condition, while also wondering what in Merlin's name was going on with Harry that allowed him to witness the attack in a dream.

I asked Miles to run Quidditch practice for the remainder of the year, telling him I was feeling rather ill and wouldn't be up to flying in the cold. He agreed without question, and that was that.

Jamie seemed to be the only one to notice my preoccupation. 

"Are you alright, love?" she asked softly one day as we sat in our common room in front of the fireplace, my eyes trained on the dwindling flames.

"Fine," I said, forcing a smile.

She clearly didn't believe me but didn't push it. "What are your plans for Christmas? I meant to ask if you wanted to come spend it with my family."

"I'm going to Miles's place," I lied easily.

Jamie hummed, her eyes still on me. "You two seem rather close."

My head snapped up. "He's one of my best friends, that's all."

She shrugged. "Just an observation, Mackie."

My thoughts wandered back to George, the shattered expression on his face as he'd learned about what happened to his father keenly in my mind.

Annie tapped on my shoulder, then, and I turned curiously.

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to give this to you," she said with a waver of confusion in her voice, holding out a piece of parchment. "He wouldn't say why. Do you... do you think he's finally lost it?"

I chuckled and took the parchment. "Thank you, Annie."

Once she had moved along, I unfolded the parchment. It was blank inside, but as I watched, words appeared.

"What does it say?" Jamie asked curiously.

"Nothing," I said, feeling a bit giddy at what I'd read. "Annie's right, I think Dumbledore's finally cracked."

* * * * * *

After my final class before break, I made my way rather hastily through the castle to Dumbledore's office, where Professor McGonagall waited for me.

She smiled softly as she spotted me approaching. "Wonderful news, about Arthur."

"The best," I agreed with a grin. "I'd been so worried."

McGonagall gave the password to open Dumbledore's office, and stood aside to let me enter.

"Merry Christmas, Professor," I said as I passed.

"Merry Christmas, Doyle."

Inside Dumbledore's office, a candelabra sat in the center of his desk, a note beneath it.

Enjoy your holidays, Miss Doyle.

I smiled to myself, excitement bubbling up inside me as I reached out and grabbed the candelabra.

I had never travelled by portkey before, but I had to say I preferred it to apparating. I found myself standing outside Grimmauld Place moments later, the dusty old townhouse having never looked more inviting.

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