(1)Moving To Reverse Falls

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡

Hi everyone! My name is Pacifica Southeast and I'm 16 years old currently moving to Reverse Falls.My parents are preparing to go on a business trip for 3 months so basically for the whole of summer,they want me to be safe and have company while they're away so I'm staying with my cousin Gideon Pines and my Uncle Bud who runs a mystery attraction or something??
I haven't seen them in person,it's always been a tradition that they come over to California and stay with us for the whole summer but starting from today it's me staying with them.I mean I guess it's exciting to visit Reverse Falls (weird name for a town if you ask me) but Gideon has told me that this town isn't like any other town you've seen before,it's full of mystery's and dark secrets to uncover.He says that he's been trying to discover these mysteries but has never been able to finish so he wants my help to try and uncover them.Actually that doesn't sound too bad of an idea since it's always been a fascination of mine too.

My mom and dad are putting me on a bus by myself to Reverse falls not going to lie I am little nervous,I've never traveled by myself before but I guess you gotta try new experiences.The journey would be long it's like a 4 hour trip which I guess is okay could be worse still a long trip though.Well it's the last day and my parents have just picked me up from school and dropping me off at the bus station and for some reason I was the only one a boarding the bus now making this experience even more weirder.

"Okay sweetie,we'll see you in 3 months and be nice to uncle Bud" My mom waving me goodbye.

"I will mom I promise,see you soon and you too dad" me waving my dad goodbye.

"See you soon too pumpkin we love you!" My dad waving goodbye to me.

"I love you too!"

My parents have just left in their car and heading off to the airport,weird how they didn't tell where they heading off for 3 months but that doesn't matter.I boarded the bus and it was really quiet there was only me and the moody bus driver,guess he wasn't happy to just have one passenger on board and it was a teenage girl too.

"Ticket please ma'am"

I give him for ticket and sat right in the middle of the bus seats and then the bus started to drive off.

"Goodbye California"

I just took out my headphones to pass the time and maybe read a book or something to help pass the time also.Eventually,I started to notice the weird view of the forests I mean I know some trees are in different shapes but some of these weren't ones you would normally see.Most of them were like the size of a foot and others wings seen on big creatures.At that point I fell asleep and began sleeping peacefully since no one was on the bus apart from me and the bus driver.After what felt like for ages I checked the time and it nearly 6:00 pm just 5 minutes before my stop.Then the bus had entered into Reverse Falls and woah it's not what I was expecting it to be it was quite small I do remember Gideon telling me it wasn't going to amazing but I never guess something just by a word.

"Miss,we have arrived at our location and stop Reverse Falls" the bus driver announced we were here.

"I hope you enjoyed your journey"


I went off the bus hoping that Gideon and uncle Bud would be here to pick me up but nope they weren't and in time I got a text from my phone and it was Gideon

Cous🌲:Hey Paz,sorry my dad is kinda busy with the mystery shack so ur going 2 have 2 walk but don't worry it's only 5 mins from the station 2 our house.

Great,I have to walk though I did just sit down for 4 hours so I guess a little walk wouldn't hurt anyone.I started to walk and look around the town it had everything any normal small town would have shops,dinners (well one),an arcade,the tent of- what?! the tent of telepathy I'm guessing it's some sort of magic show I saw two twins outside the tent greeting people in.One was a girl and the other was a boy both had brown hair,blue eyes and wearing formal entire jeez it's just a magic show,Though the brown haired boy looked kinda cute.

I had finally had arrived at where I would staying for the next 3 months and found my uncle Bud and Gideon standing outside waiting for me to be greeted.

"Well Pacifica welcome to Reverse Falls it's so good to have you over!" Uncle Bud trying to make me seem comfortable in my new home.

"Come on Gideon say hello to your cousin!"

"H-hi Pacifica it's nice to have you here" Gideon speaking very nervously like he had never seen me before.

I feel like my uncle was just putting on a act just to make me feel welcome because I know my uncle can be a nice person but he can be quite mean and horrible to Gideon sometimes.

"Here is your room Pacifica make yourself at home" Uncle Bud showing me my new room.

Though the rest of the house was kinda a reck I think I'm gonna to like it here for the summer.

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