(27) something i didnt tell her yet

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♡ Dipper POV ♡
Woah,I finally asked pazzie the big question I wanted to ask her for so long.My mind had gone somewhere else because I think I'm in heaven now that iv told Paz the truth behind my magic.it seemed sudden and a blur at the same time in the unforeseen circumstances finally knowing we can let it out in the open even know some people won't accept us like our family's since both of our uncles hate each other's guts and unfortunately (which I couldn't give a damn) Gideon didn't approve of it either nevertheless it didn't matter to me as along as me and my beloved Pacifica were happy.

Sadly,i was kinda annoyed that Pacifica didn't want to stay for here for 3 months but I can't go against her wishes.I mean she did come here to meet her family for the summer and wasn't expecting to be meet me so it's understandable though I don't trust that family of hers.Mr Bud pines is a fraud tricking everyone to all the wacko supernatural stuff that happens in Reverse Falls (another thing is I heard he is very barbaric and vulgar towards anyone even his own family,I don't understand why Pacifica would want to go back there if he is that cruel,probably only going for pines safety).Pines,he's alright I guess but he is a nuisance and insane little midget kid who looks like he hasn't grown an inch since birth explains that big small of a brain he has.

Pacifica was just impartially packing her things to go back to the mystery shack,I wanted to help her but she said she could handle it by herself."Beloved,you don't have to leave you can stay here as long as you wish".
"I'd really like that dipper but I have to go back to the mystery shack I don't want Gideon being alone with his father he could get hurt".She gracefully walked towards me and jumped onto my bed." Dipper I promise I will come back and visit but now that you have told me the truth it's safe to say everything is fine between isn't it?" She partially looked for a split second but I stood up in-front of her and held her hands very tightly as if we were about to part ways forever."of course it is pretty y'know you can't protect pines forever he needs to start fighting for himself and besides he's 14 years old "

"I know I know I just need to be sure of it but can you promise me something?"
"What is it my sweet?"
"Promise that we can meet each other everyday and there will be no more secrets between us no matter how bad they are we need to be honest"
It's a big ask but I can make an exception for her.
"I promise pazzie there will be no more secrets between and oh another thing?"
"What is it?"
"I love you my beloved"
" I love you too Dipper" I gently kiss her on the forehead within the small moment until someone opened the door.
"Master Gleeful,your drive is ready" it was Soos doesn't that man know the meaning of the the word privacy,we were having a memorable moment here.
We held each other's hands and walked downstairs to the front door and saw Mabel outside by the limo looking very vaguely at me and Pacifica.I'm guessing she didn't really want us to be together (I'll try and convince her someday) but the only thing she cared for was my happiness and glad that a girl has made me feel like I value in life.Prey tell that she wasn't away to say something rude like she did last night.

"So did you enjoy your little stay Pacifica?" Mabel trying to act nice but it's obvious she didn't want to conversation with Pazzie."yeah it was amazing aside from y'know the basement thing " smiling very well trying to hide my fear from what I saw."hmm so I'm assuming Dipper told you huh? Your going to tell anyone are you southwest?"
"No no I won't well except maybe Gideon if that's alright" asking as nicely as possible hoping Mabel would be okay with it.
"Sure why not? Just be sure he doesn't blab about it to anyone else about it or he will be getting it" wait what the hell did she say? Mabel sounded like she was going to kill him (then I'm not surprised if she done that).
"Well why are you two just standing like morons get in the car!" now that's rude.
"Mabel please be courteous towards Pacifica,she has been acting civil in regards with staying at gleeful manor and acting well mannered to you I would appreciate you would do the same"
" *sigh*..my sincere apology's miss Pacifica"
Must she be so rude,I wouldn't do this to her if she had a boyfriend (again how would she get one)."Come on pazzie,I will come with you to the mystery shack". Pacifica got into limo and sat near the window while I sat near the door of the limo trying to get myself closer to her but she trying her hard to distance herself from me?

"Princess,is something wrong? I'm sorry if anything my sister had hurt your feelings in any way" she still didn't look at me,hoping she's not exasperated by me either.
"No I'm fine Dipper" her voice broke and I heard little sniffles.
I tried thinking of the right thing to say but I couldn't think of anything.I'm assumed she was hurt by Mabel.I mean she'd had been rude to Pacifica the whole stay I wouldn't blame her for being upset besides Mabel needs to learn some manners.I moved closer towards Pazzie and grabbed her hand slowly (her tiny hands were very cold).She turned towards me and her eyes were full of tears.
"My sweet,it is okay to be upset my sister was very rude to you"
"Dipper I said I'm fine okay?!" Her voice snapped and swished her hand fro mine and turned her back to me.
We were silent the whole car ride,woah Mabel had really hurt her feelings.
"Sorry Dipper I'm just don't think I'm going to get used to your high society lifestyle"
"Well speaking of that.."
"What is it dipper?"
"I was wondering if you would do me the honour of being my plus one at the gleeful manor yearly ball"
"Yea of course but like you said you'll have to get used to my high society lifestyle because we always have to dress formally at the ball"
"Oh..but dipper I don't really have any dresses in fact I don't like wearing dresses very much" her voice went quiet.
"Don't worry,we have a selection of dresses you could wear from the fitting room and have your hair styled too"
Her lit up with joy,maybe telling her that made her happy.

"Really But what if no one likes me I mean I'm not in the standards of high class at all"
"I'm sure you can try"
She smiled at me,guessing now she really wanted to come but there something I didn't tell her.
My parents are going to be coming..

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