(39)back together

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♡ Dipper POV ♡
Seriously? Why did I have to hide away,is Pacifica really that embarrassed by me oh well.We we're going up the ladder to my window to which I'm assuming no one would see us,I hardly doubt it would work though.
"Right Dipper listen to me you gotta be quiet if anyone is here and don't touch any of my things please" Pacifica saying it in the most feisty way possible.

"You have my word m'lady" Flirtatiously trying to tease her.
" *sigh* "
We went up the ladder to which Pacifica opened the window and I'm very surprised her room is very clean (from what I know girls are known from being very messy specifically my sister Mabel).Though I knew her room would be quite colourful and sparkly as Pazzie's seems to like that sort of thing.

"Dipper,welcome to my room but don't touch anything"
I gazed at her room and noticed that she had something very familiar to my knowledge on her desk.

"Hey Pazzie,what's that?" Me pointing to the journal with a six finger print with a 3 in the middle.

"It's a journal but like I said you aren't touching besides I know why you want it"

"Why I have no idea what your talking about" me looking aside pretending not to listen.

"Just because we used to date doesn't mean I know all your little secrets about you and your sister"

"Now what secrets they may be miss Southeast?"

"You use your magic from the magic shows to grow more power and your using one of the journals for it and you and Mabel want the other two journals to obtain ultimate power that's the secrets"

Woah she knew all that before I would even told her about.

"Dear miss Southeast you are most certainly correct but what exactly are you going to do now"

"Well I have a proposal or a deal you could call it" Pacifica makes a smirk face at me.

"Ooh I like where this is going"

"I'll get back together with you only if you give up your magic shows and I'll let you read the journal"

*What?! What kind of deal is that,she must be teasing me*

"I wish I was teasing you but if you really do love me you have to risk your one true thing you enjoy doing"

"But will my sister have to quite also?"

"Yep she will,Dipper Gleeful I do still like you after these two years of not seeing you but back then it was magic that was holding you back,magic may be a good thing but it can consume you"

"I see..."

"It's not healthy either and your going to have to chose Dipper,me or magic?"

*This is a tough decision...Magic is the only source of fulfilment in my life plus Mabel's but I truly want to be with Pacifica again*
I had a minute to think about this,though it was tough decision to make I'm not a child anymore I am a mature man (or at least I think I am) and old enough to make these kind of choices.

"I have made my decision,me and Mabel will give up magic"
"Woah! I was expecting you to pick magic guess I underestimated you mr Gleeful so do we have a deal?" Still Pacifica is smirking at me.
"Deal" I step closer towards pazzie as she starts to blush easily again.I put my arms over her shoulders and push her even closer.
"So m'lady what should we do now?" I said flirtatiously again.
"Ummm maybe watch a movie?" Pacifica still very naive and confused as to what I was.
"No Pazzie I'm thinking of another arrangements..."
By the look on her face she knew what I meant.
"What! No Dipper I can't!"
"Why not? We're both technically adults"
"Yeah but I'm not!"
"what are you scared of m'lady?"
"Nothing I'm just not ready yet okay.?!"

Pazzie started to tear up a bit,trying not to show it her true emotions.
"Paz,I would never hurt you" She then pushed me away and turned the other direction.
"Can we just watch a movie instead?"
I sighed,I'll have to wait until she's ready which I respect completely.We walked the stairs and woah this place is a wreck,how could Paz live in this state of a house,thank the lord no one was home it was just me and her so we could have it all to ourselves.
It has just crossed my mind but what has Pazzie been up to since she left,has she graduated from school?,what does she want for her future? Unfortunately for me I have to stay in Reverse Falls for business purposes of carrying on Gleeful Industries (a company my family have owned for generations) and soon I will have to carry on that legacy and so will Mabel and so fourth...geez must my family be so political and...never mind it's pointless.Pacifica and I entered the living room to which there was only one seat seriously where is the large couch I was expecting.

I sat on the seat while Pacifica turned on the tv to watch something or other.She turned to me admiring her from afar (I can't help it,she gets more beautiful the more time I spend with her) and looks back trying to avoid my gazing blue eyes,Pacifica turned the tv on straight to Netflix.
"So what do you want to watch?" She turned to me actually surprisingly happy.
"Hmmm I say Romeo and Juliet"
"That's very suggestive"
"What can I say? I'm a sucker for romance"
Pacifica just looked at me in complete and utter disregard thinking that there is no way I like romance movies (which in fact I do,hope no one finds out about this though) and she sits down on the floor,crosses her arms and legs and blank stares at the tv.

Sorry I haven't been active for a while,I had ran out of ideas for the story but I'm back and want to continue for anyone who is enjoying it.
(Dipper and Pacifica are both 18 incase your wondering)

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