(4) embarassed

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
After nearly a whole day of exploring and going on adventures me,Gideon and Deuce went to the tent of telepathy to see the Gleeful twins show and I could if it is the horror that Gideon says it is.

"Woah,this is like a bizzaro version of the mystery shack and look they even have their own Deuce" me observing how there were some similarities between the two.

When pointing the guy Soos,Deuce give a suspicious stare at him insinuating that he was no a fan of him at all.Lights were turned off and the curtains started to open and the Gleeful twins had appeared on stage.

"Hello everyone,we thank you for all of you attending to our show tonight!" Mabel thanking everyone for coming to the show.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is such a gift to have to have all of you here tonight such a gift" Dipper greeting everyone too.

A bunch of girls started to scream,I'm guessing that Dipper was quite the charmer because it explains all the girls squealing and shouting I love you Dipper! ,Marry me Dipper! ,I have a gift for you Dipper! jeez Gideon was right about  one thing,they are able to fool the town into believing they can benevolent and can easily manipulate anyone because no boy can be that admired.

"First,we'll show you our first trick but we need a volunteer would anyone up for it" Mabel asking the crowd

Everyone put up their hand to offer as a volunteer well except for me and Gideon,I was just here to see what the magic show was like and see if they are really are of what they are claimed by Gideon and also I just wanted to read the journal just to ignore the audience.
Though I could see Mabel and Dipper looking at us from the stage but I just tried to ignore it while still trying to find a volunteer.

"You! Blonde girl with the ponytail at the back,would you like to volunteer?" Mabel pointing at me asking if I wanted to volunteer.

I never felt so embarrassed in my life,why did they have to pick me? Is it because I didn't want to go up on stage in the first place probably.

"Fine I'll volunteer"

"Good now come up to the stage and everyone please prepare to what your about to see!" Mabel still acting like a good girl but it was obvious to me it was plain fake.

"Now our trick will be floating you in the air while dancing with my dear brother Dipper"

All of the girls simping over Dipper started to cry and get jealous that Mabel picked me.It made me laugh a little them all looking like idiots.

"Dear brother,would you like to perform the trick to the audience?"

"Of course,now please stay still Miss and just follow my lead" Dipper taking me up into the air and doing a slow dance.

Woah I hate to admit it but he's quite a good dancer while me on the other hand I was terrible and the worst thing was everyone could see me that made it even worse.

"Don't worry,just ignore the audience and focus on me"

Wait? How did he know?!

Then we start to waltz and hold hands.I think I started to blush a little but I tried not to show it because I would look like a fool then we after what felt like forever (though it was only about 2 minutes but still) Dipper took us both back down to the stage and everyone started to clap.

"Thank you everyone and you our volunteer thank you also and what's your name?"

Why did they want my name? I'm not telling them my name is Pacifica Southeast it doesn't matter to them.

"Let me guess...Pacifica?" Dipper clearly reading my mind,great it's clear he can read my mind how wonderful.

"Yes it's Pacifica"

"Well thank you Pacifica it was a pleasure and now we have more tricks to show all you wonderful people"

"Wonderful people?" yeah right like Mabel actually meant that.

After 20 minutes,the show was finally over and everyone started to leave me literally running out of there pretending I never existed.I can't believe Dipper embarrassed me in front of everyone what a jerk.

"Soo..do you believe me now?" Gideon trying to claim he was right all along.

"Ugh fine! I do believe me" me hating to admit the truth.

"I knew you would believe me"

"You were right,they are very manipulative and complete fakers too!"

As soon as me and Gideon started to leave and Deuce starting up the car,I heard footsteps coming from behind and it was big footsteps,I thought it was the twins but it was all the fan girls who were still jealous that I got picked for Dippers first trick.

"Umm..is there anything I can do for u's?" Me questioning why they were coming up to me but I knew clearly why.

"Don't ever think about going near Dipper again he's ours nots yours and never will be and if you ever think about him trying to love you it's never going to happen!" All of them clearly that I got his attention and they didn't (which made me still laugh and satisfied with their reactions).

"Well I'm not interested in Dipper or his romantic gestures so don't worry you have him all to yourself's".


I ran as fast as I could to the car,I just wanted to forget this night ever happened but I really hate Dipper Gleeful he's a self-centred,obnoxious and manipulative jerk! But still he's really cute and handsome...

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