(9) they have it

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♡ Dipper POV ♡
I arrived back at my house and seeing has Mabel wasn't here to greet me in,I just decided to go down to the basement.

"Hahahaha I knew it I knew they would have it!!" Mabel screaming from the rooftops again.

"What is it now dear sister have finally learned a spell that didn't endanger the house?.."

"Even better,I know where the third journal!!"

"Well then where is it?"

"It's in the mystery shack"


"What's wrong dear brother? Wait a minute doesn't mean that my lil Gideon and Pacifica would have it?!"

"Now now sister let's not get too hasty we don't know for sure if we don't have prove first"

"Well my lil Gideon who I saw tonight was rambling about this book he has had for a while now saying that it has loads of information about the mystery's and weirdness of Reverse Falls"

"Hmm..you may be true on that but does it say anything about the portal from the weird dimension?"

"I'm not sure but it sounds like it"

"Sister,you can do it yourself I'm not going anywhere near that Gideon boy he's a weirdo"

"Don't ever say that about my Gideon he's amazing and he's not weird he's just different from most boys in this town sounds like your Pacifica"

"Yes and aren't going to ask how it is was?"

"Okay then! How was your date or whatever it was"

"It was delightful in fact the finest date I've ever but I wish.."

"You wish what brother?.."

"I would have loved to speak to her a bit more or even see her wear a dress"

"My my your picky on what your girls wear aren't you bro bro"

"Not at all maybe I will someday or maybe I won't I'm not her choice maker Mabel"

"Okay so what if they do have the third journal?"

"I'll say it again you can do it yourself but if you fail at obtaining it then I'll have to do it myself then"

"I won't fail I never fail I Mabel Gleeful always succeed in every thing I try or already do!"

Why does she always have to be so overconfident sometimes it's very irritating.I do love my sister but she can be unbearable when she's in these types of moods,I think I'm the older brother to be honest or maybe her crush on that Pines has really made her gone completely insane.It's all she speaks about apart from spells like "Gideon this!" "Gideon that!"
Ugh I think I've heard enough,I don't understand how Pacifica can be related to him he's such so strange,eccentric and uncomprehending too.Though the mention of the journal has got me thinking,what if they have it no I could never steal from Pacifica.Oh forget it I'm just going to my bedroom.

"Yo! Bro where are you going don't you want to practice a new spell"

"Not now Mabel I'm tired and I need some rest I've had a busy day"

"Fine but by tomorrow I'll be more powerful than you"

(You wouldn't be able to manage one spell so I doubt that very much)

"Goodnight sister"

"Goodnight brother"

After that rattle,I went to my room and still I couldn't get that thought out of my head.Why was Pacifica being so shy and a bit scared tonight normally she would want be to jump off a cliff if that made her happy but she especially didn't like it when I called her "gorgeous" or "beautiful" maybe more suitable could me better.She's was just probably embarrassed that she went on a date with me and getting all cute when she's with me too but it's so attractive when she does it.I just went and took my clothes off and put on some shorts and just go to bed topless what? I don't like whetting when I sleep and besides my body is amazing to look at that's why I get all the attention from girls.Before I went to sleep,i just decided to read some Sherlock Holmes and some Shakespeare poems and don't judge me I said I was intelligent wasn't it oh books are very interesting and informative once you read them.

I heard a loud noise coming from the basement knowing it was Mabel,I couldn't be bothered going to see what the fiasco was so I just texted her instead

HandsomeBoy16:Mabel,was that u causing that ruckus again?!

GorgeousGal#1:No! Well maybe but I promise it was nothing 2 serious

HandsomeBoy16:well what was it?

GorgeousGal#1:Just another new spell that I can use 2 hypnotise people with just looking in2 my glowy eyes

HandsomeBoy16:Very well done I'm guessing u r going 2 use it on Pines?


HandsomeBoy16:You can't force someone 2 love u

She just didn't respond probably she knew I was right oh well that's my sister for you.

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