(38)first meeting since well y'know

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
Oh my god! What have I done?! I'm meeting Dipper today I mean I'm going to completely humiliate myself I haven't seen him in 2 years.
What am I saying of course it'll go well (although I don't understand why he would want to see me,I mean I was the one who broke up with him).Well last night was good me,Tiffany and Ariel all had a big slumber party and stayed up all night doing karaoke,makeovers,eating loads and loads of candy but now it's a complete train of my room.Well I woke up early and cleaned up my room (though it was difficult when Ariel duct taped herself to the wall and Tiffany slept in the closet) I managed to get rid of leftover sticky candy,used makeup,put the karaoke machine and other things..Everyone was still asleep and I change into a fresh pair of clothing but as soon as I wanted to stay awake I fell back asleep..

I woke up,checking the time and it was 5:00 minutes until I had to meet Dipper at the mall,I immediately jumped off my chair and ran as fast as I could to the mall.I finally managed to arrive to the mall,I entered and Dipper was by the milkshake stand?.. I always thought of him as a more posh drink kinda person while a bunch of girls were simping over him (seriously?) and there he looked straight at me and started to walk over.I started to panic again my heart was pounding a million times by second,my hormones start playing up,my legs were shaking my hopes of sunshine were gone then I bumped into Dipper and nearly falling but he catched me and was holding my entire body in-front of a massive crowd staring at us.
"Well well pazzie you've made quite the entrance?" He made a smirk face while I tried to think happy thoughts.
*Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! Please tell me this is just a dream*
"I'm sorry Paz but this isn't a dream well from my view your the definition of a dream"
"Just put me down Gleeful and put me down before I kick you in the face"
"Aren't we feisty today?"
"Yes now put me down"
He put me down and I dragged him out of the mall just so that image of the massive crowd was out of my mind.Damn it! I made such a dramatic thing happen all because I was meeting my ex-boyfriend! "This is all your fault Dipper you should've chosen a better place to meet or none of this would've happened" I crossed my hands and turned away from Dipper because I couldn't even bare to look at him..then he grabbed my..
"My my what a fine thing you have here,I guess you have changed in more figuratively ways"
* what the hell? He just grabbed me by behind that disgusting pervert!!*
I quickly slapped him for doing that I mean you don't do that to someone who you haven't seen in 2 years Dipper.
"You pervert! Don't ever touch me like that again or else you'll get even more than a slap on the face" me scolding for being disrespectful and a pedophile to me.
"Y'know you can be quite a stubborn bitch when you want too" excuse me? What did he just say. I can't believe the nerve of him first he's a pervert and now a rude asshole at once I thought he was a gentleman.
"Well at least I'm not some distort debauchee and someone who is still obsessing over their ex!"
"Well I didn't agree to this and at I'm not a least repugnant brat!"
"your one to talk Dipper!"
"Obnoxious know it all!"
"Pretentious pervert!"
"Dumb blonde!"
We stopped and started snogging really fast and couldn't stop..God I missed kissing him his lips were so soft.
"Now will that make you shut up .." dipper whisperly slowly as he slowly lets his hands pushes my hair back to look at my face.I turn my back again as I'm still really annoyed at him for touching my behind like what the hell?!
"No not until you say your sorry" in fact why should I forgive him what am I doing?!
"Okay okay I'm sincerely sorry for touching you in more inappropriate actions pazzie"
"Thank you"
"Now you have to apologise to me"
"I don't have to apologise for anything your the one who was being a pervert"
"You spoke very rudely and that's not like my pazzie at all"
" *hmph* fine! I'm sorry for speaking *rudely* speaking to you there you happy?!"
"Very,very happy now where were we.."
He try's to grab my face and look at me I'm blushing intensely again with having a angry face at him.
"Awww your so cute when your angry pazzie"
"Whatever I'm still mad at you"
"Well can I do to make you feel better~ ♡"
I couldn't think of anything to make me feel better,my not-so ex-boyfriend was being a pervert why would anything make me feel better after that.

" *sigh* well I'm assuming that you want me to leave?" Dipper calmly acting that he wanted to leave but in truth he probably didn't want too.
"No! Don't leave I mean we just met up and besides your the one who agreed to meet remember?!"
"Pazzie,may I remind you that you were the one who wanted me here"
Fine fine he wins,guess I have no choice but to be stuck with him maybe we should go back to mine or his place.
"Well we can always go back to your place..since we always used to go to my place" Dipper smirked as he said that comment.
"Okay we can go back to the mystery shack but we have to sneak in and make sure that Gideon doesn't see you or anyone for that matter"
"My my you really are embarrassed by me aren't you?"
"No! You just can't be seen"
"Okay okay alright"

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