(8)the date

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♡ Dipper POV ♡
"Where would you like to go master Dipper?"
The driver asking me where to drive to.

"Mystery shack 618 gopher road and then to greasy's diner driver"

"Of course sir"

While in the car,I was starting to get a little nerv- wait me Dipper Gleeful nervous?! Nah it's just iv never actually gotten a girl to go on a date with before.Surprisingly from all the stupid fan girls,not one of them has asked me to go on a date with them they just want me to marry you straight away like I'll ever do that I'll be the one doing the proposing.

"Sir,we have arrived at your first stop"

I looked outside and the mystery shack,woah that place is a wreck thank goodness I don't live there.I went to go text Pacifica and see if she was ready.

HandsomeBoy16:Hey there pazzie,come out here now I want to see you and your gorgeous face

Pacificaiscute❤️:jeez ur clingy and don't call me gorgeous,it's weird

Silly pazzie I'm not clingy I just want to see you is that too much to ask? Pacifica came outside and woah she looked beautiful as ever.She still kept the flower plait in her hair I did for her and wearing a purple zip hoodie,purple t shirt with a llama on it,purple leggings with suns on them and pink sneakers woah but I would loved to see her in a dress but still looking pretty as ever.

"Hey there pazzie your looking lovely this evening but why aren't you wearing a dress I would have love to seen you in one".

"I don't like dresses or skirts they make feel uncomfortable and also don't turn this into a big deal"

"Oh I won't"

I will...

"Ladies first"

"Hmm you have manners?"

"Of course I do,I want my girlfriend to feel appreciated"

"G-girlfriend? we haven't been on a date yet whatever let's just go hmph!"

Well it feels more natural doesn't it I can't just we are just friends.Pacifica got in the limo and sat far apart from me as possible why do I smell bad? I put on lots of aftershave.most of the drive to greasy's diner she didn't look at me,she was just looking down at herself.Her face looked kinda sad like I going to hurt her,I would never hurt her so I tried to speak to her.

"Pazzie what's wrong? you seem upset"

"I'm not upset I just want to get this over with and also I wanted.."


"I wanted to say thank you for styling my hair..but next time ask for my permission"

"Whatever you wish"

"Sir,we have arrived at your location"

"Thank you driver"

I opened the door and I got out the car and took Pacifica's hand when she got out.

"Don't touch my hand please"

"My my asking politely that's very unlike you"

We walked into the dinner and man it's not the best place to go well not up to my standards but it was suitable.We into a booth and sat on opposite sides.Everyone started staring at us,can people not respect our privacy but what really annoyed me was all the girls staring at Pacifica.I think they were very jealous of her I could they wanted to punch her right in the face.Then the waiter came over and asked what we wanted

"What would you u two like to have this evening?"

"We'll just go straight to dessert and have a cream pie,two chocolate puddings and two chocolate milkshakes"

"Uh..of course but that won't be good for your stomach?"

"It's not your job to think,it's your job to prepare for I order is it not"

The waiter just paused how rude.

"Alright you order will be here soon"

"Dipper that was a bit rude and also how did you know that I liked those foods?"

"Sweetie,you still forget I can read minds"

"Please stop calling me that or any other names it's not funny or amusing"

"I love it when you get angry you know"

"Whatever so what do you want to talk about"

"Well I'm more interested about talking about you"

"Well? What do you want to know I'm not that interesting y,know"

"I'm sure you are what do you like to do in your spare time"

"Umm well go on adventures,spend time with my friends at home,watch movies and YouTube videos and I like to read stuff about animals,mythology or unknown species"

"Woah I'm surprised by your interests"


"Very it's makes me like you even more"


"Well Gleeful,what do you do in your spare apart from your shows?"

"Not a lot but read some old literature,watch some tv shows or practice magic with my sister"

"Wait you actually practice magic?"

"Well of course it's not a gift I did have to learn new spells and new tricks but that's all I do I have a lot time spent on my shows"

Our food came and if I'm being perfectly honest,it wasn't very good it tasted like sand but Pacifica seemed to like very much.After 15 minutes we had (well Pacifica) finished our meals,payed.

"Oh okay well I'm just going to walk home thanks for the meal Dipper"

"I could always give you a ride home"


She actually sat next to me in the limo and looked a bit more happy than before I was sad that we didn't get to kiss though.

"Okay well your home and tonight was lovely pazzie"

She didn't say nothing but then..

"Yeah it was I'll see you soon but don't stalk me it's creepy"

"I promise I won't"

Goodbye cutie.

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