(36) changes

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♡ Dipper POV ♡
It was the same old day,same old weather,same old house and same old sorrows.It's been nearly 2 years since Pacifica had broke up with me and I had never been so heartbroken before (in fact I have never suffered a heart broke before).I'm couldn't blame her,it seemed whenever we had a good moment in our relationship something was always stopping us from having it.Well even when we did break up,we both still kept in contact just checking to see how we were doing but we lost touch a few months later.During that time though,me and Mabel were sent off to a boarding school in Washington (a very rich one at that) by our parents,I'm assuming it was to make sure I would come back with a "suitable girl" unlike Pazzie (woah I'm still calling her that?) but there were no girls that were suitable to my standards.All of them were like the same old girls,like back in Reverse Falls...

We went to that boarding school for like a year but when me and Mabel we were still the same except for the next year I definitely did change but it doesn't matter.All I did was just stay in my room sit and mope and never came out (even when I was doing homeschool with me and Mabel's private tutor).Still I had no idea what to do with my life continue magic? Well I still was doing that with Mabel on our magic shows or just do business industry associated with my family,I still needed time to think about it.I had all summer to think about it (I'm sure pazzie had her future planned out).Okay I lied,Mabel is completely different (well mostly still sense of fashion and bratty attitude),she and Gideon were always texting each other but she keeps saying they're "just friends" I hardly doubt those two will ever end up together.The thing that still stayed the same was we still practiced magic with Will and used the 2 journals we had hand in our possession.

I had woken up very late today (it was about 4:00 pm) and woke up to find Mabel screaming in my bedroom.
"Brother brother! I have urgent to tell you it's super important!!"
"Sister don't inter my room without permission "
"Whatever,anyway guess what Gideon told me?!"
"You to be his girlfriend because if it's that I'm not interested"
"We're not dating dipper! But if your speaking of love a certain someone is back"
A certain someone? I couldn't less of a damn who it was or their na-.
"Your blondie love of your life is back in town for the summer!"
"Earth to dipper,did you hear me? Your beloved sweetheart is back" Mabel was waving trying to get my attention even though I was paying attention.I couldn't believe it,she is back pazzie is back but.. no there's no point in trying I'm not in the mood of seeing her at the moment I had a magic show to prepare.Mabel just then walked off and slammed the door,could she be anymore dramatic?
I decided to do some light reading and just ignore all noises or thoughts that were going through my head.

I was happy Pacifica was back but we had lost contact a few months after she left after our breakup and at that point me and Mabel were sent to a boarding school in Washington.I don't think I could have the guts to look pazzie in the eyes again,even after we broke up I couldn't stop thinking about her and during those 2 years without seeing each other,I had really gone down hill.I had changed and not in a good way,getting into trouble,fights,smoking and unfortunately some..hook ups.I was a wreck and I looked like a fool I still can't stop myself I tried stopping but I couldn't.Thank goodness my parents don't know what a wreck I was only Mabel,instead all she did was giving me lectures about changing and told me to get over Pacifica but it was no use.My life had turned upside down,there was no way back up it was knowing the fact that if the possibility that me and Pazzie did get back together,she would find out the truth about my sins one way or other.
What am I doing complaining about myself showing how pathetic my life has been since 2 years ago all because of a relationship (it was the best relationship iv ever had and I'm not sure I'm ever going to get that again).

Dipper what happened to you...

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