(21) goodbye gideon

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
Mabel took me into the limo and the whole time there was complete silence.I had never been alone with Mabel but then..
"Look Pacifica,I do find it odd that you and my brother are dating but I care for my brother's happiness and I don't want that to be ruined by something so dense but that could only be the beginning of it".Mabel trying to reassure me but it wasn't really doing any good.
"I think your family and the public are a distraction to your relationship so it would be better if you'd stayed somewhere where it's safe for you two to be together".

"Yeah but I can still keep in contact with them right?" Me hoping that i wouldn't trapped in the mansion for the rest of the summer.
"Sure on your mobile but nowhere else" Mabel replied with a some what okay response though it had still felt like isolation for life.
"Well here we are just be quick I can't stand being near this junk yard of a house" that was rude sure the sign was a bit broken (well pretty broken) but it's safe and peaceful most of the time.I walked into the shack and right in front of me were Gideon,Robbie and Deuce all having fun.

"Oh there you are Paz! We were worried what happened to you are you okay?" Gideon I wasn't really in the mood to talk right now I was still very annoyed at him for what he did.
"Pacifica,where are you going we were just away to order pizza!" Gideon screaming excitedly but still I said nothing.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and packed all my things my clothes,my phone charger (since I already had my phone on me) laptop,diary,my scrapbook,my collection of scrunchies,hairbrush,some books and my pocket money and taking a look back now again was a dusty and dull room.I went back downstairs with my suitcase and two bags filled with all of my stuff and saw all the boys looking at me.
"Pacifica,where are you going why have you packed all of your.." I think Gideon realised what and where I was going."Pacifica! Why are you staying with them! They are only using you your safe here and you know it!" Gideon screaming furiously at me,I just looked at him in disbelief and not say anything I couldn't be done with it anymore.The room went silent.

"He's right Pacifica they're only using you believing that your safe there and it's better for you there but it's dangerous you could get hurt" Robbie still trying to convince but I just didn't listen to him.I just didn't say anything I was already feeling so guilty about what happened and annoyed at Gideon since he was in the wrong too so I don't know why he's acting so innocent.
"Goodbye Gideon.."
I walked off and took one last look at the mystery shack as if I was never seeing it again well just for the summer at least.I heard Gideon behind me screaming and shouting "Pacifica don't do this!" and "Pacifica your making a huge mistake!" but I didn't listen in fact I didn't even want to listen to anything that came out his mouth.I knew what was happening was wrong,no thinking about the consequences isn't your priority.

I got inside the limo and closed the door while Mabel sitting next to me..
"Your doing the right thing you know" well let's just hope your right Mabel.This is a great start to my summer.. having moved out with only like two weeks or something but now I'll just have to tell my parents the truth."whatcha doing blondie?" Mabel asking who I was texting on my phone.
"Just my parents" me responding trying to not make eye contact with her.
"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" Mabel questioning my moves.
"Why is there something wrong I just want to let them know I'm staying at yours for now".
"Pacifica you should only be concerned about yourself at the moment forget your parents you'll just worry them even more and do you really want that?"Mabel was making a valid point but I should at least inform them I'm okay."I guess your right they don't even know about me and dipper and I don't want them too".
"Wait you aren't embarrassed of my brother because that would be a big surprise?"
"No no it's just well my parents knew about that boy who abused me year's ago in middle school and since then they have never let me date anyone".

Mabels face was draw dropped like she had probably never heard such a ridiculous comment before and even so by me."woah your parents are strict sounds like you need to let loose a little" Mabel trying to give me advice or was it advice at all? "They're not strict per say they just want to protect me".
"Pacifica you don't need protecting well you've got dipper and also you can take of yourself your pretty much an adult and adults are old enough to make their own decisions" that's the nicest thing Mabel has said to me.
"Yeah but-" Mabel was away to cut me off again as soon as I was away to say something.
"I'm not going to say this again but please Pacifica just leave it for now my dear brother/your boyfriend is in pain at the moment and if he finds out he'll just worry even more about you making him forget about his current situation then doing something reckless so just left it" I paused for a minute,me and Dipper haven't actually used the terms "boyfriend and girlfriend" yet.we have only been dating for two weeks and said the L word to each other in a heated momentarily act."my my I guess my hunch was wrong,you two aren't officially together yet".Geez Mabel you don't have to rub in .
"No we haven't I still need time to think and process my current situation right now" telling Mabel that right now wasn't and was the right time to talk to Dipper about it.We had arrived at gleeful manor,mabels butler help me take my stuff in and taking a good view I think I may like it here.

"Okay well make yourself at home first put your things away I don't to put up with a mess and oh you'll be sharing a room with Dipper"

*Wait..what?! I'm sharing a room with Dipper oh no no no no no I can't share a room with a boy it's too embarrassing*

"Umm is there not any spare rooms you have?" Me asking Mabel and honest please tell me they have a spare room..
"Nope sorry you'll be stuck with Dipper from now on"

*Oh no..*

Poor Pacifica..

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