(16) your worthless

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
I couldn't tell him,he would see as pathetic and worth and it would all come back to me again.Please I can't I can here the words in my head.

"Pazzie you can tell me anything" Dipper trying to comfort me.

"Okay I'll tell you".

(Pacifica just turned 13 so it happened on her birthday)
"I was walking through the halls of my school with my friends and this boy came up to me,I thought he was really cute and he said he treat me to a dinner and I agreed too".

"I meet him at the restaurant and from there,we started dated.He was always calling me names like "pretty* and *cute* and always treating me like a "princess" but then it began to become horrible.He started treat me horribly like a dog for the last weeks and eventually his friends came with us and they started making fun of me too.

(The boy who abused Pacifica)
"She actually thought I wanted to go out with her"
"Did you tell her she was cute"
"Yeah and she fell for it hahaha!"

"No wonder your friends think your a weirdo probably because you are one!"

"Your a f*€king freak!"

"Your never get anywhere in life if your still acting like a kid"

"The world would be better off without you in it,you make the world feel uglier and embarrassed if your on it!"


I tried to not get upset in-front of Dipper but I couldn't hold in anymore and that's when the tears started pouring out of me.I couldn't stop and then I for whatever reason I hugged Dipper...he hugged me back even though no matter how much I hated him he always treated him me nicely and me I treated him horribly all he wanted was me..

"T-they did that to do?.." dipper asked.

I nodded.

"Those bastards!"

"They were right though I was foolish to think anyone would want to go out with me"

Dipper touches my chin and he looks at me and I look at him.his hand then touches into my hair and he pushes it back,his hand was so warm and I held his hand.

"Pacifica..y,know I love you"

"Yeah I know but you kinda do stalk me so maybe that's why I don't like you that much?"

"I can't be that bad can I?"

I give him a unamused face giving him that he knows that he's wrong.

"Okay okay I admit it but you can't blame a guy who can resist your beautiful face"

I blush intensely again but I think I know what I want now.

we both get closer and get closer to which our lips touched.his lips are so soft I stopped crying as soon as I touched them.I never realised how bad I had treated him maybe I was the problem?! Maybe I'm not good enough for him I could still hear the words of those guys who in my head.Please make it go away..go away!!

"There there pazzie it's okay I'm here"

"I don't deserve you,you have given me so much and all I do is ruin everything.."

"Please don't say that pazzie"

"But it's true!"

"Shh it's not your fault I was the one who didn't value your feelings and privacy I apologise for that but you don't have anything to apologise for what happened in the past"

he grabbed my hand and he smiled.I smiled back.

"There.. that's the Pacifica I know" I giggled a little.

"Hey do you want to meet tomorrow?"

"Woah those are words I never thought I hear"

"Pretty please.."

"Okay okay"

We got up and started to walk back to the mystery shack while it was still dark but Dipper used his amulet to light the way home.Then we arrived at the shack.

"Pazzie you could always come home with you.." dipper trying to flirt 😏

"Nice try your just gonna have to be patient"

"Aww my heart crushed I'll see you tomorrow I have a surprise for you"

"Okay I can't wait see you tomorrow "

"See you tomorrow~"

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