(24)awkard dinner

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♡Pacifica POV ♡
After what felt like forever,I woke up and dipper was still sound asleep and cuddling me as much as I wanted to not move I had to go text Gideon and tell him something urgent.He probably didn't want to talk to me but it was the only way.

Pacificaiscute❤️:hey Gideon..

Cous🌲:Pacifica?! R u okay

Pacificaiscute❤️:yeh I am but I need 2 tell u something


Pacificaiscute❤️:I'm not just here to stay with dipper

Cous🌲:what do u mean?

Pacificaiscute❤️:I'm also here to find out the strange mystery's around the gleeful twins

Cous🌲:really?! Paz your a genius

Pacificaiscute❤️:thanks I'm sorry that I left but it was the only way

Cous🌲:don't worry about it,but u still like dipper don't you?

Pacificaiscute❤️:I mean yeh I love him but since the start of summer when u told me all that stuff about him and his sister I knew I had to find out the truth

Cous🌲:but what if u get caught?

Pacificaiscute❤️:trust me I won't

Cous🌲:just be careful anything could happen

Pacificaiscute❤️:I will I promise anyway I have to go I'll text u tomorrow

Cous🌲:okay hope ur okay see ya 👋

I know it sounds like I'm just using dipper but I'm not.I'm not snooping through his stuff or anything I'm just curious and want to know if Gideon was really telling the truth because I know what he's like.Anyway Dipper was still asleep and the journal was beside him but I just took it anyway since I still wasn't too sure of letting him borrowing it and besides he could maybe have the other 2 journals and plan to do something with it.He'd had already finished the book anyway so it's like he wouldn't mind.

"Hmm..Paz?" Dipper had woken up but still sounded exhausted."hey dipper you still sleepy" I'm guessing he was by the tone of his voice."Pazzie..could please hug me again your so cozy" he's so clingy to me it's annoying like seriously dipper."no your just going have to wait and besides I'm really hungry" it was like 6:00 pm that's normally the time I have my dinner at hopefully the same time here."don't worry dinner will be ready soon"
"Say what will be having?"
"We have a three course meal here"
"What seriously you can't be that hungry"
"Sorry guess I'm just that stuck up in my ways"

*A three course meal?! Normally at Bud's we just get a pizza or something from greasy dinner*

I don't think I was up for a three course meal besides it would probably all fancy food that's not really up my street."starters tonight will be cream of brie soup,main is fried lobster with lemon salad and dessert will be tiramisu cake" what the heck?! It's like a 5 star restaurant in here."Mabel has informed me that our main is in the process of being cooked right now so I suggest we go down to the dinning room".
Looks like I have no other choice than to have a fancy meal that I was scared for.

We left dippers bedroom and went down to the dining room to which Mabel was already there but wait where are their parents??
"Good evening lovebirds I see you've had fun" Mabel saying in a snarky tone."hey where are your parent's? Don't you have dinner with them" maybe their parents had busy jobs and they go on a lot of business trips."our parents are always on business trips,they only come back once a year for our annual ball so our great uncle Stan took care of us for pretty much all of our childhood" Mabel explaining their de parents woah now I wonder why dipper doesn't talk about them.
We sat down and it went silent (again) maybe of what I asked about their parents I mean I'm lucky to still see my parents (well for when they aren't on business trips I hope they're okay right now for the summer).

"So blondie what do you like to do?" Mabel trying to make conversation with me she didn't sounded like she meant it probably just trying to make me feel welcome."umm not much I like to do art,read books and learn new things" though recently I haven't been able to do any of that."interesting,I thought a girl like you would be interested in other things.." she started to sound suspicious now."what do you mean a girl like me?" I was curious about her answer."well assuming from your horrible fashion sense and wacko family,you'd be like a hippie or a bunch of freaks" okay now that's just rude to say." just because my family may be weird or different doesn't I have to be like them anyways it's okay to be different otherwise life would probably be boring *giggles* " trying my best to impress Mabel and maybe she may not be as Gideon says she is."woah you I tried to insult you guess that proves you are different from your family but that wasn't a compliment".

The first course came and I'm not going to lie it didn't look very appetising I'd honestly prefer macaroni and cheese and be done with."umm don't you guys have anything else,I'm not really into big or fancy meals". great now Mabels going to say something mean again be prepared Pacifica! "Fine what else do you want?" Mabel again said it in a very rude tone.
"Macaroni and cheese?" Trying to act as nicely as I can to Mabel before she looked like she was going to snap."Soos,go make some macaroni and cheese for our guest" woah it was deuces doppelgänger from the tent of telepathy, he didn't say anything he just went to go cook the macaroni and cheese for me.
"Y'know you should try something new blondie you said it yourself it's *fun* to try new things" damn it! I did say that guess I'm forced to eat this weird soup.I took my little spoon and took a sip of the soup..

"Well what do you think?" Mabel asking if their fancy soup was good enough for my tastes.
"Woah! It is really good sorry about that I'm just used to having well small meals at home" trying to apologise hoping Mabel would accept my apology."there now that wasn't bad now was it? You didn't have to make a big fuss about it" okay can she quit with the sass it's kinda annoying and worse Dipper hasn't said a word since he has sat at the table.
"Brother,you have been awfully quiet is something the matter?" she was trying to consult if Dipper was okay or not."Yes I'm fine sister just don't be rude to Pacifica she's our guest and we should act politely towards our guests". Honestly I didn't care about this y,know in fact why am I even here I think I just going to go upstairs and that's exactly what I did.It's only been a few hours and I already hate it here.

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