(35) the new and improved mystery shack

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
After what felt for a decade,we had arrived in Reverse Falls and it didn't really look all that different.The same shops,same mall,same restaurants and the tent of telepathy? Mabel and Dipper have still been doing their shows for that long? Guess that's what happens when you are rich and live in a small town (where was I going with that point in that sentence) but it still had its weirdness and paranormal activity.

"Woah this is a weird place how in the heck did you end up here Paz?" Tiffany administrating the town and how it wasn't like any other town she's been in before (probably everyone's reaction when they first enter here)
"Woah there's a tent of telepathy?! We should go see it!" Ariel screaming with joy as she drove past the tent.
"Yeah sure we can go tonight if you like?" I didn't want to go but I didn't have a choice in the matter.
"Okay..so where are we going to stay? This place gives me creepy vibes maybe we could stay in a hotel or something?"
I paused.We could stay in the mystery shack I mean it will give me an excuse to see Gideon again.
"Well I know a place we could stay"
"Take us there Pacifica!" Umm Ariel realises that I still can't drive yet right?
"It's just round the corner over there" I pointed left to where the corner was.
"Let's do this!"

Ariel drove to the mystery shack and her reaction was well..
"Paz? Are you sure this is the place it looks like a dumpster" Tiffany was right,sure it did look like a dump but it attracted people's attention anyway.
"Yep that's the place but I have family relations there so they wouldn't mind if we stayed"
I'd hoped they would.
"Okay well let's begin our new adventure!" Ariel is quite the screamer isn't she?
She drove in the motorhome and parked it,we got out and in the distance it was deuce but why was he in a suit? Normally he's in his khaki shorts,t-shirt with a question mark on it and his grey beanie.He was showing some tourists a new attraction with some gnomes? Oh god please don't tell me it was the same gnomes that tried to make me their queen years ago!
"Soo who are these family relations?" Tiffany asked.
"They are my cousin and my uncle"
"Where are they?"
"I'm not sure,I'm going to ask that man over there he used to work for the mystery shack and probably the new mr mystery"
"Mr mystery?" Ariel questioned the weird nickname which seemed to be a passed down thing now:
"Yeah I'll explain later"
I waited until Deuce was done showing the tourists the gnome attraction (why is that even an actual attraction).He had finished and attempted to let me stay in the mystery shack.
"Hey deuce is that you?"
"Pacifica what up dude!" he then came over and gave me a massive hug man he must have missed me.
"I'm fine why are you wearing the suit Bud normally wears at work?"
"Well dude I'm actually the new mr mystery,mr pines has now you could retired"
"Woah really that's great Deuce,where is Bud and Gideon exactly?"
"Mr pines is out on a vacation"
"A vacation?"
"Yeah it's part of a bet with Gideon"
"Is Gideon with him?"
"Nope the dudes still here"

Gideon's been leaving by himself,well he's 16 now guess he's old enough.
"Who are these dudes behind you?"
"These are my friends,Tiffany and Ariel"
"Nice to meet you dudes!"
Both had said hi and now the big question was:Where is Gideon and can I stay at the mystery shack for the rest of summer now? Hopefully he will let me.
"Say Deuce,do you think I could stay here for the summer again with my friends?
"I don't see why not"
"Pretty please mr Deuce?!" Great Ariel does that puppy dog eyes that Gideon does.Deuce was too stupid to fall for it and I assumed he will let us stay.Us three got our stuff out of the motorhome and went into the mystery shack gift shop where it was still the same,Robbie still working there and everything.Deuce took us through to the living room and there was Gideon and he was still wearing that dang hat? Woah he must really like it.
"Hey Gideon! Someone is here to see you"
"Whoever it is,tell them I'm not here to see th-"
He didn't finish his sentence as soon as he saw me and my friends.
"Pacifica!" Gideon rushed as fast as he could and I received another hug in 60 seconds.
"I missed you too Gideon but your crushing me.." he then let me go and woah he has changed,he's even even taller than me too.
"Woah Gideon you've changed well almost,you still got that hat" woah his voice has gotten deeper too.
"Hey! So what brings you here I haven't you since 2 years ago"
"Well I was wondering if you could let me and my friends for the summer?.."
He had put on his thinking cap (well he already had one on) and screwed up his face while we all chuckled a little bit.
"Sure why not? Besides me and Deuce will have more company"

"Really thanks your the best Gideon!" I gave him a massive hug back.
"Anything for my cousin"
"Yipe! This is going to be the best summer ever" Ariel once screaming again.
"We're going to have sleepovers and partying every night!" Tiffany ranting how much fun it's going to be.
"And Pacifica will get her man back!" Damn it Tiffany! you weren't supposed to say anything.
"Get her your man back? What's your friend talking about oh..." he probably the other reason why we were here.
"I'm guessing that's the other reason why you want to stay here for you to see Dipper again"
Gideon had a smirked look on his face.
"Umm sorta..it was Tiffany's idea"
"Well I see no harm but I'll tell you cous,he hasn't been doing too good since you left"
What was he talking about,not going too good after I left?

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