(33) slapped and goodbye..

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♡ Dipper POV ♡
Me and Pacifica were holding hands whilst walking elegantly to the ballroom.Honestly,you could gaze at Paz all night if you saw what she looked and wearing her dress was like..
I glanced around the room,everyone was staring at us,whispering,mumbling under their breaths.Guess mother had spread the word there is a "low life peasant girl" who dating my son and discern the sight of my mother and seeing my father with her wasn't good either.
"Dipper.." Pacifica sibilated while trying to not get noticed speaking.
"Yes my beloved?" I observed her body language and could tell something was troubling her.
"Y-your mother is staring at me...",I looked in her direction and my mother was in fact staring directly at us especially towards Pazzie.
I turned her head towards me smiling just so she knows she shouldn't worry about my mother.
"Mason..." a overfamiliar voice I could hear right behind and took a turn to see who it was..
His stern expression on his face meaning he wasn't impressed or wanted to have a chat with me.
"Son I need to talk to you in private" he grabbed by my arm and dragged me onto the balcony outside.
"What is it you wish to discuss with me father?"
"Son,who is that girl standing inside that ballroom?"
"She is my girlfriend,is there a problem?"
"Son,like your mother said to you before we don't associate with those people"
"What do you mean by those people.."
"I mean some cheap and poor low class low life of a girl"
"She's not worthy of having the privilege of dating my son and you should know that"
"She's worth way more than that and don't even talk about her that way!"
"Who do you think you are boy? I'm your father and you will do as I and mother say:you can't be with that girl!"
I could feel everyone had started staring at us,glancing at us shouting and raging at each other.Father then grabbed my shirt right up to his furious face.
"You listen son,I'm gonna say this once and only once:dump that girl or else you'll no longer be worthy of the name Gleeful"

He..slapped me.. surely everyone must have saw that,my father hit me,he hit his own son..
"You need to learn to listen boy,your a gleeful act like it"
Pacifica came running over, her eyes were full of worries." Dipper,are you okay?!" She turned my head towards.My father walked towards her,I swear if he even thinks about hurting her..
"And you girl,your not worthy of dating my son in fact get out of my sight now before I call security!" Get the fuck away from her!
Pacifica ran off in tears,I couldn't believe my father in fact no he isn't my father at all.

I went off looking for Pacifica but she nowhere to be seen I looked everywhere the stairs,the food court,the bar,the speakeasy and well pretty much every single room and there was no sign of her.I tried asking Mabel and Gideon if they saw her but neither had seen her.
I went to go look outside,unfortunately it was pouring of rain and unluckily for me I had to get soaked.
"PACIFICA!" I kept shouting her name but there was no response and trying and trying.After I thought,there was no hope of her still being here,I found her and she was at the front gate to which were all the limos were parked.Paz it looked like she was staring in space and pondering about what happened in the ballroom.I ran straight over to check on her.

"Hey pazzie are you okay?" I put my hand on her shoulder.
" *sigh* don't touch me dipper" she shifted her shoulder leaving me wonder why.
"Dipper..I think it's time to think realistically"
"What are you talking about?"
"Face it,society is never going to accept us especially your parents and besides my family probably won't accept us either"
"Pazzie? What are you saying"
She turned to my direction and looked at me with her despondent expression on her frowned face.
"I think we should just go our separate ways and you can find the real girl of your dreams"
"But Paz,your the girl of my dreams.."
She then slowly started walking away from me and gave me one more word to me.
"Goodbye Dipper Gleeful,I love you.."

Oh no! Please don't tell me this is the end of their future just wait until the next chapter..

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