(6) Unexpected guest

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
Now it's the next day and still can't get Dipper
Gleeful out of my head,why can't I stop thinking about him?! I don't even like me,why would I like someone as obnoxious,selfish and...handsome as he is no! Pacifica stop thinking like that you don't like him or maybe but I can't tell anyone or even him.Anyway,I just decided to get up,take a shower and cleaned up then get changed into a purple t-shirt with a llama on it (by the way that's my favourite animal),a small little purple waist coat which was also purple,purple arm warmers,black shorts and into a pair of purple sneakers.For some reason,Gideon was actually up early today wearing a black hoodie,small blue waistcoat,blue hat,black bottoms and blue sneakers.

"Hi Gids! How come are your up this early,your normally still a sleepyhead at this time?" Me asking why he normally isn't up this early.

"My dad forces me to work the morning shift of the mystery shack on Saturday's" Gideon not wanting to work on Saturdays.

"Aww really? Why can't someone else do it I mean I was hoping that we could something today"

"Sorry Paz but I can't say no to him oh and he also in the afternoon,you have to do the afternoon shifts from now on"

"What?! That's not fair I'm not working it's the summer and that means going out and having fun!"

"Dad's order but also when your doing your shift,I'll be gone for a bit"

"Where are you going without me?!"


"Never mind at least I'll have some time to myself"

Great just great I wanted to do something fun today but i have to work?! Oh well no one really comes in the afternoon,mostly but not Saturday's thank god for that.I just decided to go downstairs with Gideon and get breakfast.This time I managed to get something healthy,having some fruit and a smoothie they're so good.Gideon just had some bland cereal with milk and some orange juice.I prefer to eat healthy foods it's better for my health and my body to stay that way I only have sweets or treat foods on special occasions.After we had finished,Gideon just went to the mystery shack desk and sat there for nearly 3 hours seemingly bored out of his mind.I just went to the living room and watch some tv though they're were some weird channels.I checked the time and I was 12:00 so time for my shift.

"Alright Paz,see you later I'm going to hang out with Robbie bye!!"

"Wait who's Robbie?! Gideon!!"

Great and now I sit here for 3 hours doing completely nothing well maybe reading the journal for the time to pass by quicker,hoping that no one would come past.Already it 30 minutes after I started my shift and no one had even come into the shop though some people came past but just gave a disgust look when they saw me,how rude! I just kept down and continued reading the journal by then a familiar voice I heard and came in...

"Hey there beautiful~ ♡"

What the-? What's he doing here?!

"What are you doing here Gleeful? Here to embarrass me again well sorry no audience to show it too".

"Oh no,I promise I just here to see someone" Dipper obviously trying to flirt with me or something.

"Okay well if your looking for Gideon then he's out and so is my uncle Bud so you better come back later"

"I didn't come to see them,I came to see you ♡"

Me? Why would he want to see me? Oh dear god please don't tell me he has a crush on me that's the last thing-

"Well I don't want to see you so would you please?"

Though I didn't want him to leave,I just wanted him to stop speaking to me with that attitude of this.

"You want me to leave already but I wanted to give you something"

Great I forget he can read minds.

"What is it that you want to give me?"

"Just close you eyes and see.."

I closed my eyes and I felt him touching my hair and I heard him bringing something out his pocket.Please what is he doing is trying to cut my hair,I wanted to look and see but then he finally finished.

"Open your eyes pazzie"

H-he styled my hair? Into a long french plait and he gave me a mirror and seen he had put some flowers in there too.It's like he had done that hairstyle Rapunzel had in the movie when her hair got styled into a long plait with lots of flowers in it.I mean I wasn't expecting him to be this kind to me but was it a trick?

"This is not a trick pazzie,I promise I've never done this to any girl before I've only done it for my sister"

"But why did you do this for me? Your not trying to embarrass me again are you?"

"Pazzie I would need a audience for that but no this is not a trick I'm just giving you a small token of my affection and also your pretty cute as-well"

M-me c-cute? *starts blushing intensely again"

"Aww your pretty when you start blushing it's adorable now how about a little kiss?"

"C-can I get a hug instead?.."

Why did I just ask him for a hug?! I'm such an idiot!!

"Fine I guess we aren't that stage yet"

He lent in and gave me a hug for some reason I kinda liked it.

"See ya later Pazzie and oh I'll be back at 5:00"

"Why? We're closed by then".

"Going on our first date see you soon cutie.

A date?! He asked me for date okay I need to get changed now!!.

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