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♡ Dipper POV ♡
I woke up and knew that today was going to one of the best days of my life.Sure giving Pacifica that dress was forceful and cringe but I know Tangled is her favourite movie and Romeo and Juliet as well but the moment is Tangled is way more romantic.Never mind enough talk I need to talk to Mabel about tonight.I walk downstairs to the dining room to find Mabel and her good for nothing friends all looking hung over my guesses were they were at a party last night (in fact the party was here but I didn't intend because I'd rather be with pazzie.

"Sister wake up!" Me shouting at Mabel which I'm clearly annoyed if you couldn't tell.

"?..brother.." she couldn't even say a word out her mouth.

"What have you done to the house?!" It's a mess"

"Relax brother I'll clean it up later and may I ask what the heck are you wearing?!"

"That doesn't matter I have some errands to do and by the time I get back this place better be spotless"

"Whatever have fun"

no matter how much I care for my sister,she doesn't seem to appreciate the lengths I go for us and keep our operation a secret so people don't get curious or snoop around especially the pines family (specifically Gideon).I heard a beep from my pocket and it was my phone in which I received a message from..

Pacificaiscute❤️:hey dipper..

HandsomeBoy16:hello my princess r u ready 4 2day

Pacificaiscute❤️:I guess but r u wearing the matching outfit as well

HandsomeBoy16:of course I am I would never 2 u

Pacificaiscute❤️:okay let me see I need proof

HandsomeBoy16:okay okay if u say so..

I take a picture in my "Flynn Rider" outfit and sent it to pazzie.

Pacificaiscute❤️:woah u look umm nice

HandsomeBoy26:more like handsome don't u think?

Pacificaiscute❤️:don't push it again😒

HandsomeBoy16:awww anyway I can come and pick u up now if u like

Pacificaiscute❤️:I guess but just make no one sees us especially my uncle he would flip if he found out that we r together

HandsomeBoy16:of course what about ur idiot cousin?

Pacificaiscute❤️:don't call him that and no he'll be out

HandsomeBoy16:okay see u soon my princess

Pacificaiscute❤️:see u soon

HandsomeBoy16:also meet me by the dam don't worry I'll be there

I'd had never felt so excited for anything in my whole life.the love of my life,the light to my darkness was excepting to go on a date with me I'd just hope it would go well.What am I saying? Of course it will go well I'm dipper gleeful,I'll just see what will happen.

I had arrived at the dam and now I'd just have to wait for her but everyone will go according to plan hopefully this will win her over.

* god damn it pazzie! Where are you?!*

Just as that thought came to my head I heard a familiar voice..

"Hi Dipper..do I look okay?" Pacifica walking gracefully towards me

*Okay? You look better than okay you look beautiful*

"Hey are you okay and also you said you had two surprises for me?"

"Yes sweetheart but first you need to close your eyes.."


As Pacifica closes her eyes,I start braiding her hair into another plait like the one from Tangled in which Rapunzel had done for her hair though this time it would shorter or unless.

*Thats it! I'll use a spell to make her hair longer just for tonight so she'll be perfect for tonight*

"Hold on Paz I'm nearly finished..done!"

"Woah dipper it-it's gorgeous thank you"

"Id knew you'd like it now come with me m'lady I have your other surprise just round the corner"

"Come on lead the way"

She puts her arm around my arm and she leans her head against my shoulder.Seems she feels better when she's with me.I'd knew I could soften up to me.

*wait a minute..what am I saying? I'm saying it like I'm just using her just to get to the journal,I guess I'll find a another way to get to get the journal without hurting her feelings*

"Well here we are..what do you think my princess" me showing her the boat we were about to ride.

" Dipper! it's amazing"

" I'd knew you'd like it but be careful the water here is quite dangerous"

" what do you mean?"

"if the dam breaks then we could be in for a long ride but don't worry I'll make sure that won't happen tonight"

"Hmm thanks for the warning I guess"

I started rowing the boat while staring gorgeously into Pacifica's eyes.everything..about her was perfect,her blonde hair,her porcelain skin,stubborn attitude but sweet personality.Although her family are complete imbeciles and idiots she's nothing like that she's smart and confident and always up for anything she does.I looked at her and she sighed in disbelief I wanted to know what was wrong..

"Hey you okay pazzie?" Me asking if she was still having a good time.

"Yeah it's just.."

"Just what have I done something wrong? because if I have you can tell me"

"No no you haven't done anything wrong it's just.."


"No one has ever treated me this way before not even my parents.It's like your giving me the whole world on my shoulders and feeling like I'm the most amazing person you've met"


"Dipper,I'll be honest I'm not the person everyone thinks I am,in fact I'm the complete opposite of it.I strive for perfection and I have made so many sacrifices for my happiness just to give other people happiness because they deserve it more than me I try my best but sometimes it gets too much and end up making myself feel worse"

I pause.I never knew about how she really felt.I have just gave her everything and I made her think that she didn't deserve any of it.How could I be so selfish and careless my mind was just set on just trying to impress her and I'd never considered her feelings.

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