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Chaeyeon's pov

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Chaeyeon's pov

I looked out the window and recognized the familiar neighborhood I used to live in. The car stopped and we all got out. 

I was so happy and enjoyed life till my mom told me the news that we had to move since her workplace got transferred here. We were lucky we managed to get our old house back. 

Out of all the places it just had to be here huh. It felt like Karma was biting me back. Or I just had bad luck. I was sure it wasn't the latter though.

Of course, me and my friends are sad but the good thing is that every month or so I get to go back for a week. 

I had mixed feelings about being back here. It felt like nostalgia. I glanced at the yard where we used to play together. A small sigh left my lips and I walked to my room. 

4 years huh. 

I wonder if our neighbors still lived here. I really hope not because it would very awkward to be facing him again after these years.

3 musketeers 😌✋🏻 +jeongwoo 😀

ahn seongmin is a scaredy cat: yoooo chae did you arrive yet?

me: yep

yujin the prettiest nicest bestest friend ever: is it the same as before

me: some things changed but it does kinda look the same

ahn seongmin is a scaredy cat: does jungwon's family still live there?

park jeongwoo paboo: also can we change the group name to fantastic four instead?

yujin the prettiest nicest bestest friend ever: lol why

park jeongwoo paboo: because i feel left out

ahn seongmin is a scaredy cat: fine but only because i know you're about to cry

park jeongwoo paboo: no wtf im not a crybaby like you. remember that time when serim and jungmo hyung scared you 


yujin the prettiest nicest bestest friend ever: ofc i can't relate because i'm not a crybaby like my brother here

you changed group name from '3 musketeers 😌✋🏻 +jeongwoo 😀' to '3 idiots and chaeyeon 😃'

ahn seongmin is a scaredy catanyways as i was saying, does jungwon's family still live there?

me: idk. why?

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐘 ✿ 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now