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"Hey, are you okay? You've been a little quiet today

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"Hey, are you okay? You've been a little quiet today." said Sunghoon, when the others had left the table.

"Yep, just lost my appetite," lied Chaeyeon, hoping Sunghoon would buy it. And to her surprise, he did.

All Chaeyeon wanted to do was just go home, lay on her bed, and watch some NCT videos to cheer herself up but no, she had to come to school here in the middle of the year which made her get a tutor. But the good thing was school finished at 3 PM so she had time to do what she wanted before going to his house. 

So when the bell rang, she waved Sunoo goodbye and yeeted to her home. She took a quick shower like she usually does after school and put on comfy clothes before watching some YouTube. Pretty soon it was almost 5 PM so Chaeyeon took some of her books and went to her neighbor's house. 

She rang the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before his older brother answered. 

"Oh hey Chaeyeon, what brings you here." he smiled. 

"Jungwon has to tutor me," she said, lips turning into a frown.

"Ohh, well then, have fun studying," said Jeongin while letting her in. 

She went up to his room since she already knew the way and knocked on the door but heard nothing. She was gonna knock again when she heard a voice behind her.

"Oh hi Chaeyeon." said Sunghoon. 

She widened her eyes because she didn't expect him to be here but it did make sense since he was friends with Jungwon. Plus, Sunghoon was still wearing the same shirt we wore at school so she concluded that they came here straight from school. 

"Hey... is Jungwon inside?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" 

"He must've forgotten about it then," Chaeyeon muttered. 

Sunghoon turned the doorknob and to her surprise, the room was a total mess. Bags of chips and wrappers of snacks were almost everywhere, pillows were thrown over the floor and 5 boys playing a video game. Everyone was so focused on the game that they hadn't even realized there was a guest. 

Sunghoon cleared his throat but they all still stayed focused on the game. 

"Sunghoon hyung, close the door, the AC is going out." said Jungwon, eyes on the screen as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. 

Jake looked behind and when he saw Chaeyeon, he started snickering silently. He slowly nugded Jay who complained but looked behind too. 

By now, there were only a few seconds left in the game, and when the timer went off, Jungwon jumped in joy.  

"Yess!! I won HAHAH y'all can never beat me in this game! Losers!" He cheered while dancing on his bed. 

Chaeyeon widened her eyes at his actions but then started silently laughing. He didn't seem to know that she was here and that just made everything funnier. 

"Uhh hyung you might wanna— You know stop embarrassing yourself," said Ni-ki.

Jungwon finally looked behind and stopped abruptly when his eyes met Chaeyeon's. Sudden realization when hit him when he remembered her was wearing pink sheep shorts. His cheeks blushed deep red and he broke the eye contact. 

'You just had to change into pink sheep shorts when you came home right?' Jungwon thought.

Jungwon rushed out of the room to change into something else while everyone else laughed at his actions. They tidied up the room, then waved at Chaeyeon before leaving. 

Chaeyeon sat on the bed while waiting for Jungwon to come back. She wondered at how ironic it was that she always managed to catch him at the worst timing possible. Jungwon finally came back with pants on this time.

His cheeks were still red meaning he obviously regretted his actions but he sat down on his study table and signaled her to join him

He cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched his nape. "U-uh for today, let's just do some Math...." 

It took everything for her to not burst out laughing right then and there. He just looked so cute being embarrassed. The way his hair was disheveled from playing so much to the faded red blush on his cheeks. She indeed missed moments like these. 

After 2 hours of rigorous Math, they finally took a break. There was a knock on the door which revealed Jeongin. 

"Dinner's ready. Oh and Mom wants you to join us." He looked to Chaeyeon. 

Chaeyeon didn't really mind it much because the tension between her and Jungwon did ease up a bit but that still didn't make it awkward. With Mrs. Yang occasionally telling embarrassing stories of Jungwon when she was gone and Jungwon whining at her to stop. 

She thanked Mrs. Yang when she finished her food and offered to help with the dishes but Mrs. Yang insisted that she could do it herself. So Chaeyeon went back upstairs to take her things before leaving to her house.

 So Chaeyeon went back upstairs to take her things before leaving to her house

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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

you're loved, you're appreciated and most importantly, you're not alone (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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